Chapter 2

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After Seo Da Young grabbed Doctor Song, he removed the bullet quickly from Mo Yeon's leg and bandaged it.

"It seems like you were lucky this time, Doctor Kang." He said.

"Where's Fatima?" She Asked.

"She's back with Valentine." Said Yoo Shi Jin. He was leaning against the doorway frame, with his hands on his hips.

"I should visit her later." She said.

"Who said you're going ANYWHERE?" He questioned.

"Well, as soon as I'm better, I should visit her. Better?" She rephrased.

"She's safe, and that's all you need to hear." He reassured her. He went over, and stood in front of her.

"I will be taking care of you, until you get better." He placed his hands on her shoulders, and gave her a little squeeze.

"What about your work? Won't you have to write a report on A4 paper?" She joked.

"Aish, don't remind me of that paper. Its so deadly, it hurts more then a bullet." He winced his eyes in the horrible memory when he got his paper cut.

"So, if I wanted to kill you, I'd use A4 paper then!" She gleamed.

They were so immersed in arguing, they didn't notice Doctor Song leaving the room.

"Why are women so ruthless?" He wondered.

"Isn't fish face going to get mad at you?" Indeed, that his commander was going to be furious. But, how could he sit here and not take care of his girlfriend?

"No, I'll make up for it later. Now, you should go get some rest, considering what happened today was startling." He instructed, while putting the blanket over her body.

"I'm cold, can you cuddle with me?" She gave him the most biggest puppy eyes she ever did.

He bit his lip, his hands started sweating.

"If you keep doing those eyes, I have no choice." He said giving in.

He removed his tool belt, and shoes and cuddled with her. He touched her hands, and they were frozen!

"Why are your hands so cold? Did you jump into a frozen lake, or something?" He teased.

"I'm just cold, now don't talk I'm sleepy." She dozed off, into her lovers arms.

He watched her fall asleep, and he slowly removed his arm, and left the room. She would surely be disappointed, but what could he do? If he didn't want to lose his job, he had to leave.
"Salute." He saluted to his commander, with Seo Da Young by his side.

"Report." His commander instructed.

"Doctor Kang and Fatima were ambushed by Agus' clan. She was shot in the leg. Fatima has returned safely back home. That is all, Salute." He finished.

"How is Doctor Kang?" He asked.

"She's healing... sir." He paused.

"Tell her, when she's better to call her boss at the Haesung Hospital." He sat down, and proceeded to do paperwork.

"Why does she need to call the hospital?"

"Because, the chairman heard about the attack, and he's been calling me on how she is." He replied, without even acknowledging him.

"I thought I told him, I was good at fist fights!!" He mentally screamed.

"Is that so? Well, I will make sure she gets the message."

"Ah, and Seo Da Young." He looked up.

"Major Seo Da Young!" He saluted.

"At ease. I have some good news for you. Sargent Myeong Joo is departing from Korea tomorrow."

"I have heard. We all must be excited for her arrival." He wanted to smile, but unfortunately, this wasn't a happy moment for the commander.

"Yoo Shi Jin, make sure that Doctor gets the message, you are dismissed."

They saluted him once more, before exiting the tent. He was about to check on Mo Yeon, until he saw her walking outside to the Medicube.

"Aish! This woman, seriously?" He mumbled.

He ran over to her, and called for her.

"Oh, is your meeting done already?" She Asked.

"Excuse me, miss. Why are you out here walking?" He got straight to the point.

"Patients I need to check on, the stock up on the Medicube, and you weren't there, so I'll just work." She looked away, and continued walking.

"Can you even leave without a doctor's note?" He ran after her.

"Of course I can. I'm a Doctor, and I gave Myself a well written one too."

"I thought I was taking care of you, though!" He exclaimed.

"Thank you, but I'm much more compatible with doing things myself."

"If you're mad about me leaving early then I-"

"What is it? An order? I've heard that almost a million times." She snapped at him.

"I'm sorry, but that's how I work, at least I don't yell at your boyfriend!" He grunted in anger.

He stormed off, without another word, leaving a angry Mo Yeon,

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