Chapter One

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I was in Urk again for volunteering. The Chairman had no hesitation to volunteer me, but little did he know that my boyfriend was going to be there.

I was grabbing some things to bring to the medicibe, and then all of a sudden, I heard a thump from upstairs. Upstairs is Yoo Shi Jin's office, so I decided to look upstairs. I walked up the stairs, and knocked on the door.

"Shi Jin, are you okay? I heard a thump." I said.

No answer. I thought maybe he was busy, and just dropped something. I was about to walk away, but a hand grabbed my wrist and yanked me into the room.

"Did I scare you?" He asked. His arms were wrapped around my waist, not letting me go.

"Yah! Don't do that again." I warned.
Now, I was happy he pulled me in since I wanted to see him.

"Why, did you wanted to see me?" He smirked.

"Who said I wanted to see you?"

"I definitely heard your voice, Doctor Kang." He pretend to think.

"I was just asking if you were okay, since I heard a thump. I didn't want you to show up in the Medicube with another cast on you." She protested.

"Were you actually worried about me?"

"Nope, I wasn't at all."

"Did you just say that you didn't want me to show up in the Medicube with another cast?" He smiled.

"I have a trauma of you showing up in front of me drenched in blood." She admitted.

"Yah, I promised to never ever do that again." He placed his hand on his heart, while one hand gripped on her waist.

Just then, her phone started to ring.


"Doctor Kang! Please come to the cafeteria now! There are people claiming to be part of Agus' gang! They want Fatima!" Yelled Nurse Ha.

"Fatima?!" She Yelled.

She dropped her phone, and ran downstairs leaving Shi Jin.

"Yah! What's wrong?" He said as he rushed down after her.

Mo Yeon ran down the stairs, and saw that the people were surrounding Fatima into a corner.

She ran, and pushed them aside and went in front of her.

"What do you think you're doing?" She spoke in English.

A person came out, and had a gun.

"I'm the leader of this gang. Our esteem leader, Agus was murdered by you Koreans. We're here to take back his little red rose." He smiled at Fatima.

"You cannot take her. She is under the protection of me."

"Should we get rid of you first, then take her?" He said pointing the gun at her.

"Drop the gun." Said Shi Jin sternly.

Everyone turned around, and faced a very angry Shi Jin.

"If you kill either one of them, I will make sure you die too." He said

"It's 16 against 1. Are you sure," He paused looking at Shi Jin's Badge. "Captain?"

"Who said I was alone?"

Just then, all of Alpha team came rushing out and surrounded the gang.

"A'light, If you want to play that way, let's do it." He grabbed Mo Yeon, and pulled his gun beside her head.

"Let her go." He said

"I want my little red rose back, and then I'll give your beauty back."

"You cannot take her! She is my daughter now!" She lied quickly.

"You look nothing alike to your "daughter".

"We don't need to be alike, as long as she is under my protection it's legal."

"Let go of the girls, or we'll fire." Said Seo Da Young.

"I don't want to. I just need her, and we'll go." He continued pointing the gun to her head.

"If you kill her, consider yourself too." He repeated.

"So? I have tons more out there on the run. If one dies, another rises."

"We have more army men around the world combined."

"We can hold hostage of someone here." He tapped his chin.

"We should take her, instead of Fatima."

"You won't get out of here alive, if you take one girl away." He threatened.

"A man once said "What's mine, will be mine." He quoted.

"This is not a virtue, nor a poetry class. Leave now." He growled.

"Our leader, Agus quoted that to us before he died. He never got what he wanted, and that was justice."

"His justice was wrong."

"His mind was right. His actions were wrong."

"He's trying to bluff." Shi Jin said in Korean.

"Hello? English, please." He waved a hand.

"What will you do if I speak more Korean?" He teased.

The leader shot the lights about the cafeteria, and it exploded.

"That light bulb, will be you."

"Leave now, or we will be forced to attack. And we don't want anyone harmed." Seo Da Young commanded.

"Fine, we'll leave. But, I'm not going without leaving a mark to remind you that I'm dangerous."

He let go of Mo Yeon, and shot her in the leg. She immediately collapsed, and started bleeding.

"LET'S GO!" He shouted. They all left the cafeteria, and ran to their trucks.

Shi Jin dropped the gun, and rushed to her side.

"Are you okay?" He asked frantically.

"I need Doctor Song. There's a bullet in my leg." She said in pain.

She took off her scarf, and wrapped it around her leg.

"Seo Da Young get a Doctor !" He commanded.

Seo Da Young ran out, to get a doctor. Mo Yeon tried her best to stay conscious, but her head was hurting. Everything was dizz-

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