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Aston POV

I’ve been staring at her for about ten minutes now dayymn she is so perfect even when she is sleeping from the way her hair falls to the side of her to the way she curls up in a little ball when she sleeps. I can’t believe she’s finally mine I mean I’ve waiting long enough I’ve only fancied her for 5 years but that’s all in the past now coz she’s mine now. My thoughts are interrupted by Emma waking up so I move closer to her put my arms round her waist, kiss her on the neck and say softly, ‘ Morning Babe, you sleep well?’ as I am aware she is in her cute half asleep half-awake state.

Emma POV

Ast is soo cute he really knows how to make a girls day get off to a brilliant start from the way he put his arms round my waist to the way he spoke so softly to make sure that he didn’t wake me up fully. I can’t believe he finally noticed me as more than a friend after being friends since the first day I moved to Peterborough I couldn’t be happier right here, right now.

Aston and Emma had been friends for five years now and been together for three months. The pair of them getting together wasn’t the most romantic way of getting together but they were definitely making up for it now. They got together one drunken night when Ast got so smashed he finally told Emma that he loves her and she told him she felt the same way. They ended up sleeping together that night and haven’t looked back since. They didn’t live together but they might as well as they are together whenever Aston isn’t on tour or away with work. Not many people knew about their relationship, obviously the boys knew apart from them it was just close friends and family. They didn’t want it to get out either as Emma was a Primary School Teacher and she didn’t want to quit teaching because of the relationship so they decided to keep it quiet. Aston did offer to have their relationship in the public eye to make it easier to go out without having to arrive at separate times and sneak around but Aston understood that Emma didn’t want to leave teaching as she loved it too much so he couldn’t ask her to give it up.

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