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POV: Namjoon
Mori laughed. And it was a proper laugh, too. Hearing his full name for the first time was also a bit of a shock to all of us as well.

Morishita Kizuna. I never would have guessed that that was his name judging by how he acted. He didn't look like a Kizuna, it was too gentle of a name for somebody so quiet, yet so intimidating at the same time.

After a chat with Mrs. Hayashi, we wrapped up our little interview and gave her our thanks.

This case seems to be going nowhere, even after learning all of this new information. I had almost given up when I realised that all of the information was right under my nose already.

"Right," I took a deep breath. "I'm gonna interview some of y'all now." I announced.

"Come again?" Mori looked taken aback. "You're gonna what?"

I stifled a chuckle. "I don't see how this is a massive deal to all of you. Granted some of you never even went to this school, in which I have no reason to interview you, I think this would be a good opportunity to get some inside knowledge into the case from some youngsters. I mean, you're all innocent, aren't you?" I teased, although something told me that perhaps they weren't all innocent.

Some of them laughed nervously. "Oh, come on! Don't be like this, why've you become silent all of a sudden? I'm only really talking to Mori and Seokjin, the rest of y'all can take a breather."

Seokjin looked at the time and put his hand up, like he was about to answer a question at school.

"I need to go. Now." he stated.

"Um, why?" I raised an eyebrow at this suspicious activity, before I realised that he had a doctor's appointment today. Feeling a bit dumb, I went pink and nodded at him, giving him the cue to leave.

"Well, Mori. Guess this means we'll start with you," I said reluctantly. "So take a seat, make yourself comfortable."

I'm in Japan again (Tokyo for a couple days before going back to my hometown near Kobe) and I'm also gonna release a new Taegi fic real soon so I hope y'all will read it! ^^

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