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POV: Namjoon
The new kid had seemed to fit in just fine with the group. Sure, he had a bunch of foreign names to remember, but he was handling this new situation pretty well. I'm also pretty certain that he's taken an interest in Sanae, which is quite funny since she seems to be completely oblivious about it.

As for Prince, I've noticed that he has been focusing all of his attention on Jimin, which I found peculiar for somebody who wasn't really interested in other people. Maybe something about him intrigued Prince, but with him, you could never know.

I looked at my copy of the notes from Naomi, but none of it was of any help to me. It was all basic information that we could have easily retrieved ourselves, and so it didn't really make a difference if we did have have all of these other journals from former detectives.

Jimin looked just as stumped as I was, as I noticed he eventually gave up looking for clues and he just stood there in the hallway with his mouth wide open and his eyes fixed upon nothing in particular.

"Oi, Newbie! Wake up, man. You have a case to unfold, you can't be daydreaming," I shook him, as he finally snapped back into reality and laughed nervously.

"S-sorry," he sighed. "It's just that none of these notes make any sense to me. None of it is adding up so far."

"Well, I translated all of the notes for you, didn't I? Did I, like, translate it wrong or something?"

Jimin gave me a funny look. "Oh, was it you who translated them for me? Thanks, haha. Your handwriting is neat,"

"No problem, but I swear Naomi would have told you that I wrote them all out for you. Maybe not, then." I shrugged.

I raised an eyebrow when he complimented my handwriting, since there was no way my handwriting could have looked nice when I had rushed those translations at three in the morning. This really wasn't adding up, was it?

All The Wrong Clues | JinMinWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt