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POV: Jimin
"So, I've looked through all of the n-notes that were handed to me yesterday, and I have a photocopy of each piece so that we have something to reference when we check the crime scene."

I had a clear plastic file in my hand filled with endless amounts of paper. I wiped the sweat off of my brow and looked behind me, seeing the taped up scene in the background. Honestly, I had zero faith in myself that we were going to be able to crack this case, but I had no choice but to go with it.

"Jimin, I've got a description about the culprit here!" Naomi shouted from the other side of the room. She was waving about a fact file, as it seemed. "I've never seen this before, I can't believe I've missed it!"

"Read it out loud for all of us," Namjoon mumbled.

"Mmkay... This is a description of how the criminal was like at the time of the murders. It's written down here that the murderer was a young male- a minor, to be exact. There's a question mark next to his nationality because it says 'Asian? Probably not Japanese' with a bunch of other Asian countries written around it. For now, we'll assume that the criminal was a young, East Asian male."

"A minor?" Sanae asked. "So, do we think the kid was around sixteen or seventeen years old? I mean, I wouldn't believe it if I had heard that a ten year old had committed a mass murder."

"Well, it doesn't specify his age in here. These murders happened like fifteen years ago, right? So, if the child was like sixteen back then, he'd be thirty one now... We're looking for a man in his early thirties or maybe even late twenties, yeah?"

"Yeah, but we can't just question any old random man and ask whether he was the murderer or not, 'cause it doesn't work like that. We ain't got nothin' yet." Mugi sighed.

"Why don't we just take a good look around the building, first? Get your gloves ready, kids," Sota said nervously, grabbing a pair of blue rubber gloves from his pocket. "And make sure none of you destroy anything."

We all nodded and headed off, taking off the neon yellow tape that was warning us to not go in there. The building was actually a very old school which shut down shortly before the murders happened.

Some of my notes mentioned that the culprit was probably a former student here, and came back to visit the abandoned school with some friends as a joke.

Apparently, the school was supposed to be knocked down right after it closed, but there wasn't enough time before the murders started occurring. They never bothered to go back to the school after they occurred, as people were afraid of what else could happen if they went in.

They all happened on the same day, but it didn't specify how many were killed. My notes said that some people were missing and couldn't be found inside the huge school, so a lot of it was a big mystery.

I looked over my shoulder to see Prince standing somewhere behind me, staring off into space with an anxious face.

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