Chapter Twenty Six

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"What about this?" Samantha asked.

Harry lifted up the price tag for the bed frame Samantha just picked out so he could read it. His eyes widened as he let the tag drop down,

"For that much money it better deliver itself and put itself together too."

Samantha rolled her eyes,

"Well, I would expect in a place like this they offer that service for free..."

Harry grunted as he glanced around the furniture showroom. When Samantha suggested some places, he didn't realize they'd be the most expensive places in town. She defended her suggestions with his annual income and the fact that his precious ass shouldn't be sitting on cheap furniture. To which Harry responded his precious ass could sit on the floor for free.

"Can we just try not to put me into the poor house by redecorating this room?"

Samantha's eyes rolled even harder this time,

"Yeah, I'll try not to break your billion dollar bank account."

"Not a billion dollars." Harry answered as he walked along a few feet away from her.

"Close enough." Samantha whispered under her breath.

Harry lifted his eyes, watching as she made her way around the store. He liked watching her when she didn't realize it. The way her brow furrowed and her eyes squinted while he could almost see the gears in her head turning while she chewed on her lip. She was putting a lot of effort into making sure a bedroom she wasn't even sleeping in was well furnished.

But then again Samantha put a lot of effort into everything she did.

He found himself smiling wistfully as he pictured himself doing things like this with her in the future. Surprised it didn't make him feel guilty to think of a life with someone else besides Gwen, he kept going.

Samantha looked up, searching the store for Harry so she could show him a nice dresser she found that he might like. He was a few feet away from her, staring at her but not really seeing her while a dreamy smile grew on his face,


He suddenly sprang to life,

"Huh? What?"

Samantha pulled her eyebrows together,

"What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing." He answered quickly, then realizing he answered quickly he rushed on, "Rufus."

Samantha's eyebrows raised,


"Yeah." Harry tried to save the moment as best he could, "We still need to get him ready for travel."

Samantha sighed, her shoulders shrugging,

"Are you not wanting to do this today? Because the movers are there while Jeri cleans and if-"
"Watts," He began, his head nodding in agreement, "I wanna do this."

"Then stop daydreaming and get moving. So far all you've chosen is a lamp and we still have to get to the baby store to pick up something for Gwen and head to the christening."

Harry laughed to himself at her chosen use of the word "daydreaming". If she only knew. He saluted her, pointing to a bedroom set halfway through,

"I like that one."

Samantha turned to look in the direction of his finger,

"That one?" She walked towards it, "Finally. Let's go tell the salesman. You should probably pick out some other things too. The only thing in there is your clothes...and do you want anything for the..."

Act Two // Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now