Chapter Nine

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When Samantha awoke the next morning, it took her exactly three seconds to remember what had happened the day before. She rolled onto her side and balled up into the fetal position while she replayed over and over in her head what it felt like to be tucked underneath Harry while he gently sponged kisses to her lips.

She was so engulfed in the memory that she didn't even feel her phone buzzing underneath her arm. She only pulled herself from the thoughts running through her head when she heard a knock at her door,

"Samantha?" She heard Mia's voice.

Samantha lifted her head off of her pillow but made no move to get out of her bed.

Mia sighed,

"Hey, I'm going to the market to pick up some things for dinner. I'll be back in about an hour and then we can talk ok?" She seemed a lot less irritated than she was last night, that was for sure. Samantha heard her sigh, "I love you." Mia finished.

And then there was nothing but silence.

Samantha picked her phone up, tapping the home button, the screen came to life. She frowned when she saw the text messages from Kelly until she read them.

He had the day off. He wanted to see her. He was in her neck of the woods for the day and he thought they could hang out.

Samantha quickly tapped back her response that she'd meet him at her tube stop in 30 minutes. She untangled herself from her covers and made her way to the bathroom. Did she need to distract herself with another male at the moment? No. But she did need to get out of this house. And she did need to stop wallowing in self pity over Harry's firing of her. And she did need to avoid discussing anything with Mia in an hour.

So she hardly felt bad when she took a shower, shoved a bagel down her throat, got dressed and left. She made it to her tube stop just in time to see Kelly.

He was staring down at his phone as he leaned against a stone wall behind him, every once in awhile he'd look up. Samantha guessed he was looking for her. It filled the cracks in her bruised ego. Kelly might be the only person in her life that wanted her around at the moment.

She walked up to him, enjoying the feel of his arms winding around her waist as he gave her a good and proper hug.

He pulled back, lifting his hand to her cheek before he pressed a soft kiss to her lips,

"It's good to see you."
She nodded,

"You too."

He studied her face for a moment, his eyebrows pulling together,

"Something happen?"

Samantha's fingers bunched up his shirt underneath them as she laid her hands on his hips. Should she tell him she got fired? There seemed no reason to keep it a secret, other than he might get judgy about it. He'd already made it well known his feelings on the subject of Harry Styles.

So Samantha shook her head. It was almost alarming now, how easy it had become for her to lie,

"No. Just happy to get to spend the day with you."

Kelly nodded,

"Thought maybe you'd have to work."
Samantha shook her head again,

"Nope. Got the day off actually."

He reached down to thread his fingers through hers,

"Great, let's go get some food huh?"


Act Two // Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now