Chapter Twenty Four

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Samantha tried her best to ignore the fact that since she'd entered the house that morning, Harry had been her shadow. When she left the kitchen to sit on the couch to get some work done, he followed 20 minutes later with his iPad and plopped down on the other end. When she stood up to let Rufus out, he followed with some half-assed comment about needing some sun. When she went back to her computer and the couch, Harry walked in moments later with two bottles of water and a happy Rufus trotting after him.

Samantha eyed him as he sat down on the plush couch and leaned into the pillows behind him. He pulled his feet up to balance on the coffee table, a deep sigh exiting his lungs.

Samantha raised one eyebrow,

"What are you doing?"

"Reading." He said from behind the iPad.

"In here?"

"Is there somewhere else I should be doing it?" He asked, tapping at the screen.

"Are you following me around for a reason?"

Harry shrugged but kept his eyes on the screen,

"It's my house. Maybe you're the one following me around."

Samantha frowned. She lifted her computer off her lap and set it on the couch cushions next to her,

"Alright fine. If we're going to play that game." She glared straight at him, "I'm not going out with you."

Harry's eyes finally pulled from the bright iPad screen to meet with hers,

"I didn't ask you to."

"Today." She shot back.

Harry grimaced but didn't respond. Samantha pulled her computer back into her lap but before she could get up and leave, Harry reached out to cover her hand with his. Shock shot through Samantha and before she could stop herself, she tore her hand out from under his.

Harry froze, watching as she squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head,

"I'm sorry. I didn't-" She waved her hand, "I'm sorry." She finished.

Harry set the iPad down on the couch gently,

"Watts, are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I'm just..." She shook her head, "I don't know."

Harry studied her closely. She seemed nervous and all around tight. Like she was a rubber band about to snap at any moment.

He could tell she had something to say and after the week they'd had he could guess the myriad of things it could be. But he wanted to hear it from her instead,

"You can tell me." He said softly. When her eyes met his, he continued, "I will just listen. I won't say a word."

Samantha chewed on the inside of her lip while she considered his request. She couldn't continue to punish him forever for what he'd said. Eventually they were going to have to discuss it and everything else that had happened between them.

She sat her computer on the couch, pushed herself up off the cushions and turned her back as she walked away.

Harry was about to open his mouth to ask her to come back when she turned around. Her hands were pulled into her hoodie sleeves as she reached out to him,

"You said that when you kissed made you feel like you were cheating on Gwen."

Harry frowned but nodded. If ever there was something he wished he could take back, it was that. However true it might have been he could definitely have said it better rather than blurting out something so hurtful.

Act Two // Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now