Chapter Twenty Two

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Falling asleep when you are on cloud nine makes for some interesting dreams that result in huge toothy grins when one awakens in the morning. Samantha would experience this as her eyes fluttered open the next morning.

She could still feel him. His body pressed up against hers, his lips sometimes gently pressing to hers and sometimes not so gently. She could hear his hums, feel his heart hammering, feel his hands squeezing her hips. God he knew how to kiss. He wasn't forceful at all, yet he let Samantha know he was into her.

When they pulled apart, both of them looked shocked. Samantha was mostly shocked by the fact that he'd returned her kiss. Harry was mostly shocked at how into it he was. He wanted to kiss her and he wanted to keep kissing her.

He took her home, pressing one final kiss to her forehead before she went inside floating on air the entire way.

She continued floating as she walked into the bathroom to shower. She couldn't wait to get to work. She couldn't wait to see him again. She couldn't wait to feel his lips again. The anticipation made her insides shake.

Mia was sitting at the kitchen table when Samantha sailed into the room. She raised her eyebrows at the sight of Samantha's dopey grin. Samantha reached out to open the refrigerator. She didn't even seem to realize that Mia had put an entire plate of food on the counter for her.

Mia smiled, it was kind of amusing to see Samantha reacting like a teenager,

"Your breakfast is on the counter."

Samantha turned to see the plate,

"Oh. Thanks!" She quipped.

Mia watched as she sat down and ate, the same dopey grin on her face. Every once in awhile she'd laugh to herself and then keep chewing.

Mia leaned towards her,

"Something happen last night?"

Samantha's smile suddenly faded as if she realized then that Mia could see her,


"Why are you apologizing?"

"I don't know."
Mia smiled in response,

"What happened?"
Samantha took a moment to finish chewing her toast. She took a sip of her orange juice and then set the glass back down. Her eyes lifted to meet Mia's,

"I kissed him."

"You what?!" Mia exclaimed.

"And then he kissed me. And it was so great..."

"Well then I guess he's not angry about Kelly."

"No. He doesn't blame me at all. He doesn't think I did anything wrong."

"Good, at least he's smart about that."

Mia watched while Samantha fell deeper and deeper into bliss. She hated to be the stick in the mud, but it was clear that Samantha's ability to rationalize this was buried under 40 feet of Harry Styles' lips. She leaned forward,

"Sam, he's still dealing with his grief." She said softly.

Samantha's chewing slowed as she looked over at Mia,

"What's that mean?"
Mia shrugged, her shoulder leaning against the back of her chair,

"It means that I think you should be careful. He's still grieving and he might not be thinking clearly."

Samantha set her fork down,

"So you think the only reason he kissed me is because he's not thinking clearly?"
Mia needed to diffuse this situation quickly. Samantha was getting offended and Mia wanted her to listen, not hear her through offense. She sat forward, reaching out to take Samantha's hand,

Act Two // Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now