Chapter Ten

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It might have taken Harry a good couple hours to work himself up to the task of walking into the coffee shop to ask if anyone knew Samantha, but his determination ate up any anxiety he might have about it. Harry Styles wasn't a person who couldn't admit when he was wrong. Or at least, he hadn't been.

He pushed the coffee shop door open and glanced around, sure that someone was going to scream out his name. When no one seemed to care at all, he finished the walk to the counter.

He didn't recognize the girl standing there from the last time he'd been in that shop, but it was entirely possible they'd hired new people. Harry didn't figure the place had a low attrition rate.

She looked up at him, smiling a bright smile that burned dimples into her cheeks,

"Hello, what can I get for you?"

Harry decided to smile back at her. She didn't know him anyway,

"Have you worked here long?"
When the girl immediately blushed and looked away he realized his mistake. Harry rushed on,

"I'm looking for someone and she sometimes comes in here."

"Oh!" The girl reacted. She nodded a couple times, "I've worked here for a month."

Harry frowned. Not quite long enough,

"Is your manager here?" He asked, his tone annoyed.

The girl immediately looked like she was about to cry as she turned around quickly,

"I'll go get him."

Harry silently berated himself. He really needed to reign in the annoyance with people. He looked up just as a tall, brunette gentleman came around the corner. He looked to be just about Harry's age. Harry read his name tag. Kelly.

Harry offered his hand to Kelly,

"So sorry, didn't mean to upset her."

Kelly stared down at Harry's offered hand before shoving his hands in his pockets and looking up,

"What can I do for you?"

Harry awkwardly pulled his hand back as he pulled his eyebrows together,

"Uhm...alright, Mate." He shrugged, "I'm looking for someone who comes in here a lot. Strawberry blonde hair, determined face..."

Kelly smiled but it wasn't a friendly smile. More the type of smile you give someone just before you punch them in the face,

"You don't even know her name do you?"

Harry's confusion deepened. Clearly this kid didn't like him though he had no idea why,

"Do you know her?"

"Yeah, I know her."

Harry raised his eyebrows,

"Do you know how I can get in touch with her?"

Kelly nodded,

"Yeah. I do."

And without another word he turned on his heel and walked into the back, leaving Harry staring after him.

Harry took a few beats to right himself before he turned and walked out of the coffee shop. Ok, this place was a bust. He supposed he could call Emma for Samantha's information but she was still at the hospital, besides he didn't wanna bug her with this.

He sighed, pulling his jacket closer to his body as he turned to walk back to his house.


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