Returning (End)

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 For weeks there was no sign of Kuroko at all, which was worrying. He was always somewhere in the house, that much was obvious, but he never showed his face. Sometimes you would catch of glimpse of powdery blue hair turning a corner, but other than that he was invisible.

The house was usually quiet now, nobody ever being around together long enough for conversations to start. We spent every day we could practicing, and waiting with bated breath, for something to happen.

That something, or someone, was arriving sometime today, which was why we were now trying to spend every minute looking for Kuroko. Finally getting fed up I checked the basketball court, which was usually empty at these times. At first glance, nobody was there, but I had a feeling he was here.

"Tetsuya," I called out hesitantly, and almost immediately the said teen was standing in front of me, mismatched eyes boring holes into my mind. It was as if he was looking through my very core.

"What do you want?" He asked harshly, though with a hint of his usual politeness.

"Just thought you'd like to know that Kagami was coming sometime today, we've been trying to find you all week but you never showed yourself." I tried to throw in the subtle, why were you hiding, but he didn't respond immediately.

"I was avoiding you for reasons that do not concern you Seijuro." He stated bluntly, and I nodded warily.

"Fine, but he should be here soon, so will you please wait with us by the front door?" I asked, hoping he would agree. He let out a breath.

"Alright, but only because I've missed him." He said after a moment and began to walk back inside.

"Well, that went better than I expected," I muttered under my breath, and for a moment I thought I saw the ghost of a smile on his face.

"Akashichi you found him!" Kise exclaimed as we walked into where the others were all sitting.

"Kagami just called and said he be here in about a few minutes if he doesn't get lost first," Aomine smirked waving a phone.

"Why would I get lost Ahomine?" A voice exclaimed from the door. Everyone looked to Kagami as he entered the house.

"What did you call me Bakagami?!" Aomine exclaimed but was ignored. Kagami's eyes immediately went to Kuroko, who was smiling lightly at him.

"Nice to see you again Kagami-kun." He greeted as his former lights went over to him.

"You to Kuroko. Now, who wants to play one on one?" He asked arrogantly, and Kuroko actually laughed. I saw his eyes were no longer differently colored. Maybe, just maybe.

"How about you go against Tetsuya? I daresay he is able to hold his own against you now." I suggested, and I saw him smirk.

"Oh? How about it Kuroko? I believe you told me over the phone that you've been training hard." Kagami said ruffling his former shadow's hair.

"Don't touch the hair Kagami-kun. But sure, I would love to." He seemed relaxed and happy like he wasn't worried about the split personality. He fell back with me as everyone made their way outside.

"Sei-kun..."He started quietly and I jumped at the sound of my nickname, "please forgive me?" he asked questionably, fear shining in his teal colored eyes.

"Why wouldn't I? It's not your fault you got a split personality as I did." I answered quietly.

"But I hurt you. I was hiding from you all week because I was scared you would...."He trailed off, but I knew the end of the sentence.

"I would never Tetsuya. Now go play your one on one." I smiled affectionately as I ruffled his hair. He leaned into my touch a moment before pushing my hand away with a pout.

"Not the hair!" He whined quietly, "oh god I sound like Kise-kun now." He whispered in mock horror.

"Come on Kuroko, I can't wait to beat you!" Kagami called from the court and Kuroko hurried to meet him.

I watched as they played, both their own strength, neither one a light or a shadow. They were there on, nothing more nothing less. And no matter what, I would make sure Kuroko knew he was never just a shadow. To anyone.



724 words, I think this was a decent ending, But  I could have done better.

So Sorry for not updating but i had a major writers block when it came to how I was going to end it. I've been working on another story for a while instead that I might post if I think it's any good or that you might the interested.

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