Let's go Shopping!

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  "So Tetsuya, care to explain to them why you've come to join us?" Akashi asked once we were all sitting in the living room. Murasakibara was happily munching away on more snacks as I explained.

"Those idiots! how dare they do that to Tetsu!" Aomine growled in anger, and I merely smiled at him. I was about to say something before I noticed how tired I was, and yawned.

"Oh, that's right. It's getting late, all of us should really be in bed. Kise, you have tomorrow off for a photoshoot correct?" Akashi asked as Kise nodded.

"Alright, and nobody else is missing school except for Tetsuya since he's not going the last week before graduation. It would be pointless." Everyone nodded at that and I walked behind with Kise.

"Hey, Kise-kun?" I asked him, and he turned to me.

"Yeah Kurokochi?" he asked smiling at me. I rolled my eyes at his goofy grin and playfully punched him in the shoulder.

"How long is your photoshoot tomorrow and when?" I asked him as he quickly checked his phone.

"It's tomorrow evening at two. They usually last two or three hours, why?" He asked curiously.

"Because I was going to ask you if you wanted to help me shop for new clothes. I don't like my current clothing choice." Kise blinked before a wide grin appeared on his face.

"Sure, and I agree, your outfits have no style." With that, we parted and I spent a good twenty minutes unpacking things. I left my clothes untouched, but set the picture on the desk I Had. I put my photo album and basketball on the shelf above it, securing the basketball by setting it on its pedestal so it wouldn't fall. I glanced around the room, realizing with a start that I still haven't gotten a new laptop since my last one broke. I sighed and lay down, falling asleep almost instantly to the sound of muffled typing come from Akashi's room next door.

I woke early to the sound of a door closely rather loudly in the hall. Sitting up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I tamed my wild bed head and slipped on the only outfit I had that actually looked nice. It was jeans and a loose-fitting black tank top. Since it wasn't too hot out I grabbed a dark red sleeveless hoodie. I was wearing slightly worn black converse as well. I ran a hand through my hair to smooth it down, deciding I needed a haircut. I opened my door to see everyone heading down to get breakfast. Akashi walked out of his room in the school's uniform and I smiled when he glanced over at me.

"It's nice to see you in something more than a t-shirt and jeans." He commented and I chuckled lightly, heading down to at breakfast. I sat in between Akashi and Kise, who was criticizing my outfit.

"I didn't know you had at least one fashionable outfit Kurokochi, maybe there is hope for your fashion sense." He teased and I pouted.

"Hey, I have good fashion sense. I just don't act on it." I grumbled, drinking my vanilla milkshake in silence after that.

"So what do you want to do first Kurokochi?" Kise asked as I finished the milkshake. The others had already left, wanting to get to school before the rush of students got too much to handle.

"Maybe a haircut first. My hair was much more manageable when it was shorter, flatter. It looked better than what it is right now." Kise nodded seriously before standing up. Kise was only wearing a black t-shirt and red jeans, but it looked good on him since it was probably an expensive t-shirt.

"I can do that here, let's go. Don't worry, I'm really good at doing hair. I cut Akashichii's when he mentioned it. That turned out fine didn't it?" He said when he saw my wary glance. Feeling relieved that he wasn't going to ruin my hair I stood and followed him to the bathroom where he expertly set to work on my hair. A few minutes later he had it trimmed tower it was still a bit fluffy but definitely looked better than before. It was flatter and my bangs were parted in a way that didn't look weird.

"Thanks, Kise-kun." I smiled at him as he set down the scissors.

"Now let's go get you some new clothes." He told me, practically dragging me out the door. We spent a few hours looking around shops before it quickly became noon. I had gotten quite a few outfits from Kise, who seemed satisfied with the amount of clothing he had bought me. I sat down, knocking something out of the pocket of my hoodie. Kise instantly had it in his hands and was looking at my glasses case.

"You wear glasses?" He asked in shock, opening it to reveal of pair of thin plastic frame glasses that were black. I looked down and blushed. I never wore them even though I hated contacts. I liked the glasses, it's just no one else knew I needed them.

"Y-yeah I do," I muttered looking up at him as he examined the glasses. "My eyesight isn't bad, I just can't read small print unless it's really close up. And not wearing them makes it a bit harder to focus on things for very long." He frowned.

"Then how come you don't wear them?" he asked me curiously.

"I have contacts. Nobody knew I needed to wear glasses, so even though I hate contacts I just dealt with it. I didn't want my team to make fun of me." He eyes the glasses than me, then the glasses again.

"I think you would look cute with glasses. You should wear them. Midorimachi can wear glasses during a game so it shouldn't be a problem for you. I don't think anyone would make fun of you for it." Kise commented seriously and I smiled, taking the glasses from his fingers. I looked down to hide my face as I took out the contact and slipped the glasses on. I put the almost invisible contacts in the glasses case and put the case back in my pocket. Kise actually looked stunned when I showed him the lased.

"Yeah, I like the glasses more than contacts. I can understand why Midorima-kun doesn't get contacts." I smiled and relaxed in my chair. I slipped quietly on my milkshake before I noticed the time. It was almost two,. "Kise-kun, you should get going before you're late to your photo shoot."


Annnnd finished. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. it's 1105 words

Feel free to comment suggestions on how to improve the story, or if you want to see something happen. That's it for now!

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