Don't Tell Him!

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  "Should we wake them up?" I heard Kise whisper quietly.

"I don't see a reason to, Akashi got injured so we should at let him continue sleeping." Midorima soft reply came, and I opened my eyes. Blinking away the sleep I ran a hand over my face, trying to wake myself up. I shifted slightly, muscles stiff from sleeping in the awkward position.

"Oi! you woke Tetsu up." Aomine hissed angrily, pointing to where I was trying to stifle a yawn.

"When did you guys get back?" I asked, ignoring the fact that Akashi's hand was still gripping mine as it hung off the bed.

"A few minutes ago, we wanted to check on Akashicchi," Kise exclaimed quietly, though you could see the hidden corner in his gaze.

"Is he okay? We didn't get much information on how bad it was." Midorima asked, and I smiled lightly.

"He's fine. Akashi's father dropped him off here, but he's just been sleeping the entire time. I would have messaged earlier but he wouldn't let me leave the room." I muttered, looking towards our interlocked hands.

"Has he eaten anything at all since getting here?" Murasakibara asked, and I shook my head.

"Then we should probably wake him up so he can eat something. You, too Kuroko." Midorima ordered, and I nodded. They all left the room as Murasakibara want to make some food, and the others want to do who knows what.

"Akashi-kun, wake up." I lightly shook his shoulder, but he merely groaned and rolled onto his other side, facing away from me. I pried his fingers off of mine, flexing them to get the feelings back. "If you don't get up no I'll break your Shogi board." I threatened, hoping to get a reaction.,

"You wouldn't dare." he had rolled over again to look up at me sleepy.

"Oh but I would. Now get up, you have to eat some food." I told him, and he frowned slightly.

"When did I get home, I don't...are the others back yet?" he asked, trying to remember what happened.

"You got injured in a basketball game so your father brought you home from the hospital. You've been sleeping this entire time, and yes the others just got back. They're making your food so you better hurry." I smiled when he pouted slightly. Too bad my phone wasn't one me or else I would have taken a picture. It wasn't every day you got the great Akashi-kun to look anything other than calm or angry. Heck, he was even worse than me.

"What's wrong with your hand?" He asked, seeing my clenching and unclenching it to make it stop being numb.

"Oh, uh, it's n-nothing." I stuttered, face turning the same shade as Akashi's hair. I turned away before he could see my face and took a breath to calm my racing heart.

"You're hiding something...." Akashi murmured to himself, though I still heard it.

"Does your head still hurt Akashi-kun?" I asked, trying to change the subject. He put a hand to the side of his head and winced.

"Not too much anymore, but it is still pretty bruised." He stood up, smoothing out his clothes, and together we went down to where the others were all waiting.

"How are you feeling Akashi?" Midorima asked as we took a seat.

"Much better now," Akashi replied, and Kise grinned.

"I would be too if I woke up h-" I slapped my hand over his mouth and glared at him.

"Do not finish that sentence Kise-kun." I hissed in his ear and he nodded, face pale.

"What was that Ryouta?" Akashi asked, clearly curious as to what he had been trying to say.

"U-uh, nothing," Ryouta said, stuttering. He glanced between the two of us as if trying to decide who he would rather have angry at him.

"I don't think it's nothing." I heard the snip of scissors, but still, Kise said nothing. Satisfied that nobody would say anything, I sat back with a sigh.

"Sorry Akashichhi, but getting ignite passed hurts more than scissors." Kise knew the feeling all too well, I smirked when I saw how everyone's eyes widened.

"You actually used ignite pass on somebody Tetsu?" Aomine asked incredulously and I just nodded.

"During training camp, Kise decided it would be fun to wake me up at two in the morning, and you could probably tell what happened at that point. First time I think I've seen Kise-kun run away from me that fast." I commented lightly while adjusting my wristband. Aomine paled, and I saw a few of them trying to hold in their laughter.

"I don't know if I should be worried or proud that Tetsuya has a sadistic side," Akashi commented lightly, and I smiled.

"Learned from the best," I replied, before grabbing my vanilla milkshake and drank it.

"Remind me not to get on your bad side Tetsu," Aomine said after a moment, making Kise laugh. The rest of the evening was uneventful, as I had successfully made Akashi forget about what happened earlier.


Sorry if this chapter is a bit boring, I didn't know what to write. Also sorry if it sounds a bit rushed. This chapter is 847 words long! Hope you enjoy!

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