Twisted Lover

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   Akashi's p.o.v- again

I couldn't tell what was wrong as Kuroko stood up to leave the room, but I knew it was more than just a headache bothering him. The room was silent as we watched Kuroko leave before it was broken by a slamming door.

"Kuro-chin seemed upset about something. Aka-chin there's something wrong." Murasakibara said, and I nodded my head. "Do you think he knows you looked at his files?"

"No, he can't possibly know that. He hasn't been back to his room, and I haven't asked him about it yet. I'm not certain about what's going on with him." I admitted, albeit a bit reluctantly.

"Should we send someone to check-" Kise's words were cut off by a muffled noise coming from upstairs. I held up a hand for silence.

"No! Stop it! Stop!" I heard Kuroko's voice call out, voice hoarse with pain. In a matter of seconds, I was out of my seat and flying up the stairs, the others close behind.

"Oh but Tetsuya, I've already won." I heard his voice reply, but it seemed darker, more malevolent. No, it couldn't be....could it?

"Let go of me! I won't let you in!" He screamed voice laced with pain and exhaustion. Whatever battle he was fighting, it was a losing one.

"Tetsuya!" I called, wrenching open his door. He was on his knees, hands digging into his hair as tears streamed down his face. Immediately I dropped to my knees behind him, reaching out a hand to do something, anything. But he had slapped it away, pushing me back.

"Get away from me, you're too weak to even say my name." He growled, his right eye flashing red for a moment before it returned to normal and he looked at me with horror. A hand covered his mouth, and he whimpered, muttering something under his breath. His eye color changed, and his body relaxed, arms dropping to his sides. His aura felt much darker, more powerful than it had ever been.

"Kuro-chin." Murasakibara murmured sadly, realized what had happened. Midorima stood frozen in place, face pale and hands shaking. Kise and Aomine seemed at a loss for words, as both of them wore matching looks of shock and fear.

"Seijuro." Kuroko purred, reaching a hand out to grab my face. His soft skin felt cold to the touch, and I shivered. His eyes shown with an animalistic hunger than paralyzed me. He was drawing closer to my face, and I felt my heart pounding in my chest. Closer and closer he leaned until he was almost on top of me. Just a little closer and....

"You really thought I was going to kiss trash?" He laughed, using the hand on my face to push me to the floor. He stood up slowly, glaring down at me with a burning hatred.

"Tetsuya, what are you doing?" I asked as he took a step back, eyes never leaving mine. He smirked, eyes glinting with insanity.

"I'm giving him his revenge my dear Seijuro. You all abandoned him and left him to get you back. Now I will make you work to get him back. Until then Seijuro, you've lost your lover. He may care about you but I do not. I will show everyone that we are not just shadows." He paused, and for a second I thought he was finished. "But that we are also monsters." He finished before he pushed past the others and was gone.

" were never just a shadow, not to us, to me," I called after him, but he never looked back. But as he turned the corner I caught of glimpse of his face, and for a moment. For just a moment, I thought I saw tears staining his cheeks, and sad, broken smile, stretched upon his face.

Then he was gone, and a deafening silence was all that was left of where memories were supposed to have been better. This wasn't supposed to happen, and though he knew it wasn't his fault, he couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, if he had been quicker to notice, to be there for him, this would have never happened.

But we would save him, even if it took a lifetime, they will try to get him back. But to do that, they needed help. And that help was a certain short-tempered redhead who currently had no idea what was happening. That would have to change for Kuroko to be saved.


And that is chapter two for today! Sorry If I don't post tomorrow, again, going to a school dance and I'm staying after school until it starts. If I don't post tomorrow, I'll try to have two chapters up on Saturday, though that's the day of my b-day party with all my friends.

755 words, sorry it's shorter than normal, but I felt the ending was dramatic enough ;)

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