The Kiss

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It was the weekend now, and the others only had two days to go before they graduated. To say the atmosphere was tense would be an understatement. While Midorima and Akashi studied on their own, the others were left to fend for themselves. It was not going well. I could hear frustrated signs coming from both Aomine and Kise for the twentieth time as they struggled over their study sheets. Murasakibara was bent over reading from a large textbook, he hadn't touched his snacks in over an hour, too focused on trying to understand whatever it as he was reading. Tablet watched them suffer any longer, I head over to Murasakibara, knowing he was the one who was least likely to rip my head off in frustration.

"Do you want any help?" I asked when he looked up. I could see just from his eyes that he was majorly confused by whatever it was he was trying to read.

"Yes please, Kuro-chin. We're supposed to memorize this passage and explain it for the test but I don't understand any of it. Aka-chin and Mido-chin aren't here so I can't ask for help." He whined childishly.

"First of all, you should look up any words you don't know the meaning to," I handed him my laptop, which was open to display a dictionary website. "Try taking notes on things you don't understand and see if you can work it out. Also, if you do, don't touch any of the other text files I have on there." I told him, and he nodded, immediately typing in a large sum of words. Glancing down at the text I saw that it even had some words I wasn't too familiar with in there. No doubt he would have struggled. With a sigh, I headed over to where Aomine and Kise were working, knowing he would be able to figure it out on his own.

"Kurokocchi help us!" Kise wailed, throwing himself at me. I dodged him skillfully and sat down in front of them.

"What are you struggling with?" I asked with a sigh, already knowing what their answer would be.

"Everything!" They both exclaimed, and I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. This was going to be a long weekend.

"Let's start with your best subjects first. If I'm correct it's Japanese literature?" At their nods, I continued to point and align things on their sheets. By the time an hour had passed they were smiling and nodded as I explained things.

"Honestly, did you two even listen in classes? There is some pretty basic stuff you're struggling with here." I commented lightly as I added a quick note to the side of their papers.

"We did, but that damned teacher talks so fast and we're too lazy to ask questions," Aomine grumbled, With a shake of my head I moved onto the English.

"Thanks, Tetsu, you're a lifesaver." Aomine sighed in relief, while Kise moved to hug me again. I dodged and he fell flat on his face, just as Akashi and Midorima walked through the doorway.

"I see you all are working hard," Akashi commented lightly, making all of them freeze. I stood up silently with a small smile.

"Hello Akashi-kun, Midorima-kun." I greeted, before turning to leave.

"Kuro-chin, you forgot your laptop," Murasakibara called, back to munching on his snacks.

"Thank you Murasakibara-kun." I accepted the laptop, and a vanilla candy he pressed into my palm.

"Thanks for letting me borrow it." He thanks me, and I merely smiled before turning to leave.

"I trust that you two will use the notes to help you study? Because I'm not helping you tomorrow." I deadpanned, turning back to the two.

"Y-yeah we will. Thanks, Kurokocchi!" Kise said with a bright smile.

"Tetsuya, I would like to talk with you a moment," Akashi called, just as I was about to enter my room. I paused and waited for him to approach.

"Why don't we sit down then?" I asked, moving to sit on my bed. I left my laptop open on the desk, trusting Akashi would not try to snoop. He leaned against the wall, not even sparing a glance at the laptop as it left my hand.

"I wanted to thank you for yesterday, I know my father didn't really leave you much of a choice," Akashi spoke after a moment.

"It wasn't a problem, I would've helped anyway. You're my friend Akashi-kun." I responded, my blue eyes meeting his heterochromatic ones.

"I feel like I'm forgetting something Tetsuya," Akashi said suddenly, his eyes filling with something that made them burn with fire. I loved those eyes.

"Like what?" I asked innocently, while inside my heart was pounding.

"The part where I answered your statement from last night, Tetsuya." He advanced, his eyes never leaving my face. He strode across the room with an elegance that made my head spin.

"And what would your answer be?" I asked, albeit a bit breathlessly.

"I love you too." I saw red for only a moment before his lips crashed into mine.


Dun Dun Dun! AKAKURO HAS ARRIVED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cough sorry not sorry Cough

this chapter was 847 words and took two hours to think of and only twenty minutes to write....Sorry I didn't upload earlier but it was meh b-day today and I have been busy

Have fun with this chapter to all who wanted Akakuro to happen

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