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This is a hamilton kids au, Frances Laurens is John laurens child and Angelica is Alexander hamilton child. This is an au where Angelica is an orphan who is thrown in to war being used as a weapon. I was inspired by violet evergarden to write this.

"I have brought you a tool, Major Laurens." A man spoke throwing down a body bag a girl with brown hair falling out, a child about fourteen emotionless eyes that stared into the soul of major Laurens,

"What? It's just a child-" he bent down looking into the child's eyes, "no, she is much more, she is a weapon." The man spoke taking a sip of the whiskey that was on top of the desk staring down at major laurens and the weapon.

"Her name?" Laurens Spoke looking up at his fellow solider, "she has no name." Scoffed the man setting down his whiskey glass staring at him,
"She will only ever be a weapon-..."

"SOLDIERS! ADVANCE!" Yelled the major watching as his troops ran into the blazing fire of war then there was that girl she stood with her gun she could barely carry, "Wait-" before he could usher the girl out of the battle field she picked the rifle up properly as she took a run at one of the enemies perfectly aiming she was taking men down left and right so effortlessly kicking and pulling the trigger.

They managed to take back a bit of there land back that day....

"Your name will be Angelica." He spoke smiling he bent down to the girls level, the beautiful garden behind him they were staying at his manor since they were sent back home till there next mission, her usual emotionless face she has never spoke being silent since she was brought to major Laurens.

"A-angel-ca" She slurred,
"Y-you can talk?!" Major gasped his eyes widening with surprise, "I, a-ange-Angelica..." she stammered pointing to herself, his gaze softened putting a hand on his shoulder "Angelica it's nice to meet you, I am major." He Spoke,
"M-major." She stammered again trying to pronounce the words as best as she could, Major nodded, his beautiful green emerald eyes gazed at her brown ones she was mesmerised by his eyes they were so hypnotising she felt so calm and safe in his gaze.

"Thanks to you Angelica, we were able to take back this city..." he spoke leaning back on a wall Angelica beside him watching a festival being celebrated in the newly taken back city, people looked so happy at peace.

"This festival is celebrated by giving a gift to the people you need to thank." The Major explained looking over to Angelica, "Ah, I see." She replied nodding, having learned to read and write by the major he had fought her through the times they stayed at camps and got back to the manor.

"Angelica, thanks to you we were able to take back this city... so-.... what would you like?" He asked confused by what he said she looked up at him, "I'm sorry major I do not understand your command?" She Spoke back, "it is not a command...Angelica I'd like to buy a gift." He chuckled ruffling her hair,
They began to walk through the festival major walked ahead before he stopped to check on her but she had disappeared he looked around to see her at a stall that sold brooches and other accessories.

"It is the colour of yours eyes...major." She spoke placing a hand on her chest she looked down at this gold rimmed emerald brooch her heart felt heavy felt like it was sinking,
The majors eyes widened a little seeing her have such an expression it wasn't like her, not at all.

"It makes me feel... feel - I can not express it by words-" before she could stammer any more words the lady who owned the stall popped up having her hands crossed with a huge smile, "they are very beautiful, are they not?" She Spoke, "beautiful? I do not know what that word is? Is the word used like the word pretty?" She asked, the lady nodded with another smile to the young girl, "we'll take it."
The major Spoke handing the lady the money as he placed the brooch on her collar.

"Major, this brooch is as beautiful as your eyes..." she spoke her face still not straying from her usual emotionless face but she did not need to express anything the major understood that easily...

"This will be the last battle...we will win this." A man chuckled patting the majors back, Angelica stood near by as they all stood a-top of a bridge staring across the lake,

"Yes gilbert I am sure we will..." the major smiled softly as he leaned against a crate that was being shipped off soon, "Frances you have always been a huge softie~" Gilbert laughed, "you even took that orphan in! She is only weapon you know-.."
"Gilbert... she is a human... she is a human girl who will have a life after this war... she is no weapon." Frances spoke as he looked at his friend Gilbert Angelica stared at the two of them.

"Good luck... may we see tomorrow my friend." Gilbert sighed dropping the topic about the orphan as he patted his back once more before walking off,

"MAJOR!" Screamed Angelica as he grabbed Frances arm pulling him away from the gun fire they were in the cathedral, they needed to clear the cathedral to win... they were so close.
"We need to take out the soldiers... ready?" He Spoke as he pulled out his pistol, Angelica nodded running back in her rifle tightly in her grip aiming perfectly she shot them down like a carnival game...

They ran to the top of the cathedral Frances pulled out his flare gun shooting out the green light, cheering could be heard from the troops that were in the woods, "We did it Angelica." He smiled, Angelica stood beside him blood dripping off her clothes,
An enemy was hiding on the rooftop alongside them as he pointed his gun at Frances he fired his gun,
"MAJOR!" Screamed Angelica as she rushed  over to him the bullet went straight through his eye...

'You are no weapon Angelica.'
'She is human.'

Tears streamed down Angelica's face for the first time she felt his strange feeling, this feeling she could not explain...

"Frances..." she cried.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2018 ⏰

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