⭐️Good Enough⭐️Hamliza⭐️

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"Eliza- ELIZA!" Screamed Alex seeing his wife fall to the floor her dress flailing across the floor.

Her eyes closed and her skin scarcely pale her body lay lifeless on the floor there kids running towards her checking her screams and cries came from them.

He loved her.

"She...has not long... maybe an hour or so." The doctor mumbled standing at the door as he lifting his small black leather bag up with his tools tucked safely inside of it, Alex couldn't speak on nod letting the doctor leave the house the kids huddled in the living room awaiting news.

Alex didn't want to tell them such things so instead he took a step closer to the door that held eliza, another step. Fear flooded his system he didn't want an hour he wanted forever he wanted to be with her when he was crying when he angry when he was happy when he was excited he wanted to be with her always.

He loved her.

Soon he managed to stand at the door turning the Knob he seen Eliza laying on the bed the pillows behind her back holding her up as she looked so peaceful...so relaxed.

"My love..." he mumbled walking over as he bent down beside the bed clasping her hands in his as he kissed her fingertips she weakly pulled away.

She smiled a little, "Alex lets not pretend." She spoke her eyes glancing to the window the clouds reflection dancing in her eyes, her beautiful brown eyes.

"Pretend?" He questioned, confused on to what she meant...how was he pretending? What was he doing wrong?

"You never truly loved me...you always had something else on your mind...Mariah...your job for you I was always at the bottom of the list... you never made time... but I loved you and I loved you and I loved you... even though you were so very cruel to me..." she spoke her eyes not even daring to look at his, she couldn't stop herself as if her heart had been waiting for this moment to say these things to release how she felt.

"E-Eliza- I- you-" speechless Alexanders eyes widened this whole new side of Eliza, this truthful strong side of her that he wished he had more time with.

"I will never be enough..." she spoke letting her eyes trial around the room before finally meeting his, she felt herself grow weaker and weaker with each word she said but she knew she had to say this she knew if she didn't she wasn't leaving this world the right way

"I'll never... ever...ever be good enough for you no matter what I do." She sniffled feeling her salty tears drip down her cheeks the tears dampening the blanket that covered her, she coughed through the tears her eyes closing a little.

"Eliza! No! No please five more minutes...talk to me... please Eliza." He trembled grabbing onto her hands feeling how they were so cold...

"Eliza... I-I can't lose you..." he mumbled hiding his face by looking down.

He loved her.

He loved her.

"I love you, I love you, I love you." He mumbled over and over not seeming to accept the fact that she had passed not wanting to expect the fact.

"You were more than I deserved..."

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