⭐️Condolences And Daughters⭐️

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Cannons called off running with hope in there hearts that they'll see the sunset of tomorrow, live another day.

Closing there eyes for a only moment hearing gun shots pass there ears, gripping tighter to there guns they released the tension building up opening there eyes to see the rubble of the battlefield, there blue coats now smeared with the blood of there fellow soldiers.

"It's time." Spoke the general signalling them taking a leap forth sprinting across the bodies and limbs that spread across the land, "ahhhh!"

"I am sad to report that John Lauren's has been killed in war, his bravely will be remembered and his service was admirable." Eliza read out the letter standing in the office with her husband Alexander, tightening his fists he lay back on his wooden chair.
"A-Alexander-... I am sorr-" Eliza couldn't usher the words fast enough before he interrupted her attempt at condolences.
"I am fine." He replied steadily tipping his quill into the small ink pot he straightened his back bringing a fresh piece of paper to himself.

"John was a good man, I had met him on multiple occasions...h-he was truly a kind soul." Eliza spoke her last words before leaving the office, letting Alexander sink the news in.
As soon as the door closed his quill dropped from his hand as tears brimmed his eyes he bit his lip trying his best to fight back these emotions that flung him off course hiding his face in his hands images of his friend flashed through his head the times of great battle and hardships, there glances at each other from across the large circle of men eating there small food portions, Alexander knew he was being foolish he had lost many in this life what difference did another one make hearing his door open slightly a small child walked in her pink dress neatly pressed and her curly hair tied back with a cute bow.
"Is daddy upset?" She mumbled tugging on his trousers Alexander looked down at his daughter, "hiya my Angelica." He chuckled through the bitter tears that had slipped down his face he picked his daughter up sitting her on his lap.

"Why are you crying?" She asked placing her hand on his left cheek catching the tears that fell from his eyes, "Oh, it's nothing." He chuckled again Angelica pursed her lips, for a five year old she was ahead of her brothers and fast to catch on to her dads lies.

"Daddy! Stop crying! Because you make all of us worry!" She scolded him taken back by surprise Alexander smiled a little, "I am sorry for worrying you dear." He spoke cuddling into her as she turned her head to see the quill had been placed on top of the paper instead of being set in the pot, "look you have made a mess Daddy." She spoke reaching her hand forth picking the quill up setting it in the pot, he smiled again a genuine smile this time, "do you like to write Angelica?" He asked, "kinda, my brothers made fun of me when I go to write, they say girls shouldn't bother being smart."  She spoke Alexander furrowed his eyebrows, "how so?" He asked now slightly intrigued on to why they had these thoughts at such age.

"Well James said I should only worry about dresses." Angelica mumbled staring at the quill with her eyes now glued to it like she could pick it up and write for hours on end, "I think, your brothers are just blinded by what they see people should be instead of what people are." Alexander Spoke helping his daughter get the quill handing her it, "my darling, you can be whatever you want." He spoke kissing her cheek.

His eyes glanced to the side seeing where Eliza had placed the letter, "Daddy look!" She cheered giggly Alexanders eyes glanced down at the paper to see she had written her name.

"Well done!" He cheered with her as he took the quill from her small hands, he began to explain how to write more neatly and they were both full immersed with each other happily connecting over writing while Eliza had been walking past to check on the kids she peeked her head through the door, she smiled.

He will be okay.

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