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Incoming call
from unknown number

"You know what if
I'm asleep at 3am?"

"You won't be."

"I said what if?"

"Yeah okay. So I know
this one girl in class."

"Ok so is this the story
you want me to waste my
time on?"

"Yes. She was a very
sad person."

"How so?"

"Her smile doesn't
reach her eyes."

"So? Is that supposed
to be a sadness basis now?"

"She looks sad though."

"She probably just
wants to be left alone."

"I don't think that's
the case..."

"You don't seem to
know the person.
Leave her alone?"

"I know it's not the case.
Does it not hurt you?
At times when you want
to feel but no one's there
for you?"

"Humans are social beings.
It is human interaction
that makes us alive and human."

"It's 3:03, I'm sleepy.
I didn't get my coffee fix."

"You never walk alone
in this world."



Call ended

"Then why do I feel alone?"

3:03 AMWhere stories live. Discover now