We signed the kids up for every kind of ocean lesson or tour there is. Snorkeling, diving, free diving, whale and dolphin watching. Okay just name it and they have done it. Although they are having the time of their lives I can tell they aren’t completely content. I know the little ones were looking forward to Australia. Lady and Ronnie wanted to see the Kangaroos so badly. Ronnie even made up a little song about it. Which is why the second part of the trip is going to be so great. 

About thirty minutes later breakfast is basically done. The older kids have already finished eating and are at the beach. “What the hell is he doing?” I shrug my shoulders at Mykaela’s question. I know she’s talking about Curtis. He has still yet to make an appearance. 

I clean up the twins as Myk cleans up Brook and we send them to the beach with the older kids. I turn at the sound of footsteps coming in our direction. Curtis comes around the corner but stops short when he sees us. “Have you talked to Em? He isn’t answering his phone.” I shake my head in answer. “Probably hasn’t landed just yet.” He nods and heads over to the bar where Myk sets his plate in front of him.


Since today was the last day here we decided to find a market and buy some souvenirs. Asia and I stayed with Curtis while the security went off with the kids including Lady. With Asia holding Ronnie and me holding Brook we start shopping. We tried to remember to get everyone something. I do mean EVERYONE. 

“Hey Asia, why didn’t Evelyn come with?” I ask. I had been wondering that this whole time. “She said she had to work. You know she is still working at that restaurant part time.” The latter said exasperated. I couldn’t help but to laugh. Which causes Asia to look at me funny. “Don’t give me that look. Are trying to be her Sugar Momma?” Asia rolls her eyes at my question. “You know I’m not. Its just I know what she has been through enough. I just want to help her is all.” I nod in understanding. 

“Hey have you heard from Marnie?” I sigh. That is something I have not wanted to talk about. “Nope. She wont talk to me. Believe me I have tried.” “That incident shook her to the core. You could see it in her eyes.” I turn away quickly from them as tears threaten to fall. As my eyes began to focus they land on a person I never thought I would see again. “What the hell is he doing here?” Curtis ask from behind me. The tone of his voice sounded as if he wanted to murder someone. 

I knew exactly what Curtis was going to do. So before he could move I turn back around and step in front of him. “Don’t Curtis. Please for us?” I ask rubbing my hand up and down Brooks back. He sighed turning around and walking away. I can tell by the way he’s walking that he is beyond pissed.

“Your mission should you accepted it.” I burst out laughing, effectively waking Brook up, as I finished that sentence. “Keep Curtis away from Carlo?” Asia sighed and put an arm around my shoulders. “And from you. If Carlo gets anywhere near you Curtis will beat his ass. Nothing you say will stop him.” I nod in agreement and the four of us walk in the opposite direction of Carlo.

Luckily the rest of the shopping trip went off without any other problems. We decided to find a restaurant for a late lunch before returning to the house. Only problems was we couldn’t find the other part of our group. No one was answering the phones. Part of me wanted to worry but I know that Dean is with the kids. Finally after walking around for about half an hour we located them. Asia and I couldn’t help but smile at the vision in front of us.

The other thirteen members of our group are dancing in front of a live band. Which is apart of a restaurant. Thank God because if I have to listen to Asia complain about being hungry one more time I might scream. Hey I might have grown up with it doesn’t mean it doesn’t get on my nerves. “Hey we have been looking everywhere for you two.” Hailie screams drawing the attention of everyone else. 

If It's Meant To Be....(unedited)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat