~ He catches you goofing around ~

Start from the beginning

"Made an addition to your mullet!" You laughed.

"I thought you were writing something on my face!" Keith exclaimed.

"You knew I was drawing on you and didn't stop me?" You giggled.

"I was too tired," Keith groaned.

"Sorry hobo, couldn't help but notice how lovely your face looked with permanent marker," you snickered.

"This is permanent?!" Keith screamed.

"Maybe," you answered, fingering the sharpie in your hand.


You were back at work. It was weird with Hunk not around but you were glad that it was an opportunity to see your family since moving out with Hunk. However, you didn't miss the weird brothers and father conversations back in the garage.

"Please tell me that you haven't done it with Hunk," Luke sighed.

"The frick Luke?!" You whispered harshly. "There are customers around here, be more mindful of them!"

"So-rry for trying to look out for the youngest female member of the family," Luke scoffed.

"Okay, Luke, I'm sorry I snapped at you but can you puh-lease lay off on that question?" You asked.

"It's okay sissy, I won't do it again," Luke smirked.

"You little-" "No swearing here," your father said.

"I was going to say fudge cake but okay," you grinned.

"Okay, you're doing cash registry for the rest of the afternoon," your father replied.

"What?!" You exclaimed.

"Do you want to me make take two shifts of the registry?" Your father asked.

"No sir," you sighed.

"Have fun," Luke sniggered.

"You're helping her Luke," your father smirked.

"What?!" You both exclaimed.

"This is a family shop trying to do family business, let's go kiddos!" Your father clapped.

You and Luke sighed, putting away your tools. Luke walked in first, wanting to feel the air conditioner do its work on his skin. You grumpily walked over to the cash register, taking over James' shift.

"What did you two do this time?" James asked.

"Got in a fight," you answered.

"You two are nothing but trouble. Tsk, younger siblings," James laughed.

"Hey! You and Tim were horrible as well," you argued.

"But not as bad you two, have fun taking care of the shop," James grinned. Luke rolled his eyes while you stood behind the counter.

"I spy with my little eye," Luke started.

"Shut up!" You hissed.

"Oh, you're taking cash registry?"

You looked over and saw Hunk in his cooking uniform. "HUNK!" You exclaimed. You ran from behind the counter and gave your boyfriend the tightest hug you had ever given to another earthly being. "What are you doing here? I thought you were at work," You said.

"Yeah I was, but we have a lunch break and I have thirty minutes left," Hunk smiled. You grinned, kissing him on the cheek.

"Are you here to get that part?" You asked.

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