Warmth greets my hand, pulling me out of my trance, I meet Caleb's soft yet tired eyes.

I had been informed by my friends that Caleb had stayed by side throughout the two days, with the only exception being the game against West Cove.

"Beau, why don't you go home and freshen up. You've been here for a while." I tell him gently, trying not to wince, everytime I spoke a sting would shoot up in the side of my neck.

Caleb's eyebrows pinch.

"Is this your way of nicely telling me that I smell?"

"I wouldn't have sugarcoated it if you actually smelled. A shower would do you some good because it'll be relaxing. It's also going to help with your sore muscles and knots." I try to persuade him, actually concerned as I rub his shoulder. 

The humour in his eyes disappears when he nods, giving in. He stands up but I keep a firm hold of his hand, bringing my lips to his passionately before letting him go.

He says goodbye to everyone, kissing my head one last time and leaving.

I lean back against the wall of pillows, looking at my friends who sit around me.

Noah and Tris have settled down, the former rests his head on Ash's while she sits against him, teir hands entwined. Ash's droopy eyes reach me and she gives me a small smile.

Even here, tired and spent, Ashley Lysander looks stunning in her simple cream cashmere collar sweater and wide legged pants. Noah's jacked keeping her warm.

Candi stacks back all the cards with Jas helping her clean the mess the boys made. Mase and Danny indulge in the remaining slices of pizza we had ordered earlier.

"Hey Addie, while we don't want to burden you, there's a question we've been meaning to ask." Tris glances at our friends, fingers drumming an abstract beat against the wood of the bed.

I recognise the nervous habit of his, gesturing for him to continue. Everyone in the room is now alert and perked up.

"We were wondering if you've told Caleb about Aaron and about our past?" Candi asks, her sincere brown eyes shining as they look at me carefully. I bite my lip, looking away.

Telling Caleb about my past has popped into my mind more than just a few times. Every passing day the urge to tell him increases but so does the fear about the outcome.

My pulse quickens slightly when I look back at them, each of their faces illuminated only by the dull yellow light the lamps gave off. I shake my head silently, my throat dry.

"Addie, he deserves to know, the sooner you tell him, the better." Mase tells me as Candi returns to her seat next to him.

Both the couples hair rivals each others tousled look, the same fatigue prevalent on their faces after a long day. I force myself to control my breathing.

"I know. I want to tell him and I will as soon as I get the right time. Promise." My voice comes out raspy and I have to cough twice to get the sentence out.

Ash goes to pour me a glass of water. I smile gratefully, taking the glass with shaky hands, she pouts her lips, blowing me a kiss.

"It's clear that both of you care for each other dearly. Sharing your burdens with him will show him how much you trust him. I know first hand that confession is difficult but once it's done your shoulders feel much lighter." Jas takes my hand, comfortingly rubbing warmth in it.

"Thank you, I truly don't deserve any of you and I'm sorry as well, for causing you guys so much pain." I tell them sincerely.

These people have been with me through thick and thin, standing right beside me.

I'll tell Caleb about my past and about my feelings towards him as soon as I find the right moment.

"Aw you're going to make me cry, you crazy girl." Danny wipes away fake tears, earning chuckles and an unamused look.

That conversation had been mandatory, they were keeping me in check and again, I can't help but be thankful for them. But I'm also glad that the atmosphere has switched back to the light liveliness.

"Shit. We almost forgot about the event!" Ash curses, stifling a yawn with back of her hand.

"Oh yeah, there's this huge ass auction in the outskirts of the town, our parents will be there. We're on strict order to attend." Noah adds "Aunt kept calling me, demanding I give you the phone so she could tell you about it herself."

"Luckily, I know how to handle demanding women." He gets up from the foot of my double bed, stretching like a cat as he does so, then glaring at Danny who was scoffing at his sentence.

It's Candi who speaks next "This is a good one though. It's Cece line on auction, all the funds go directly to charity. Cece will be livid if we don't attend."

Hearing her name enough is to brighten my mood "When is it?" I ask, watching my friends shuffle around the room, collecting their things.

At that moment, the door opens and Caleb steps in, cald in a grey hoddie, a long black coat over it with a matching grey scarf dangling under the coats collar, his hair still damp from his shower.

He smirks at me, catching my wandering eyes, he'd shaved as well and now looks considerably energised. Everyone shrug on their coats and jackets while Caleb takes his off and carefully climbs into bed with me.

"Day after tomorrow." Mase says, moving to me, he kisses my head, followed by Noah who pinches my cheek and then Tris who hugs me so cautiously he barely wraps his arms around me.

The girls all kiss my cheek, giving me careful hugs-doing a much better job than Tris. Lastly, Danny moves to me, bending down to kiss both my cheeks and engulfing me in a hug.

"Okay, that's enough. Unhand my girlfriend, thanks." Caleb mutters jokingly, shooing Danny. I suppress a smile.

"Don't be jealous, I can give you a kiss or two as well." Danny winks at him just as Caleb shows him his middle finger with all of us watching the two in amusement.

Everyone slowly files out the room until only Caleb and I remain.

Caleb scoots closer to me, his head resting on my stomach. My hand finds his now mostly dry hair and his arms wrap me in a cocoon of warmth.

"God, I missed you." He mumbles into my stomach and I kiss his head, inhaling his scent.

Minutes pass, or maybe hours, our breathing evens, eyes feeling heavier by the second. Caleb pulls me closer and I snuggle comfortably against him.


This is where and how I want to be every night of every day for the rest of my life.

Because wrapped in his arms, do I feel truly at home.

Happy Saturday!
Didn't think that this would go up today but here we are, so, Yay!
Guys i'm not even kidding when I say I can practically SEE and FEEL the ending running towards me.
I hope you liked the chapter
Until next time

 I hope you liked the chapterUntil next timeXoxo💙

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