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Jeremy's POV:

I waited for Annabelle to get home. she told me she was coming back. I went to the bathroom. I know it's invasion of privacy but I had to see the test.

Oh my god.

It was positive. Annabelle is pregnant.

She opened the door. "So you are pregnant." I frowned at her. she burst into tears and ran into my arms. I let her cry there as I wrapped my arms around her waist. "you're gonna be ok." I patted her hair.

"No Jeremy." she cried. "Louis wants to keep it."


"I can't raise a child!" She cried. she tilted her head up to look at me. "Tomorrow, I'm going back to Millungar for a couple days."

"Is Louis going with you?"

She shook her head. "I just want to sort this out with mum."

She went to her room to pack. After an hour and a half, she had a bag ready at the door for the next morning.

"As a pregnant woman you really should sleep, you'll be keeping the baby awake." I smiled. she came over to talk to me.

"Very funny. Now by the time you wake up tomorrow I'll be gone, so goodbye." she hugged me.

"Bye I'll see you... later."

She went to bed and I soon drifted off too.


I woke up the next morning and of course, Annabelle was gone.

Annabelle's POV:

I just arrived in Millungar. it feels good to be home, but it doesn't feel good to be pregnant. I had a little bit of morning sickness this morning and I have peed like 27 times. I'm definitely pregnant.

I rented a car and drove the familiar route to reach my house. I arrived and knocked on the door.

"Anna? it's so lovely to see you!" my mother hugged me. "you look a little tired are you alright?"

"I'm fine I just... need to talk to you."

My mum brought me inside and sat with me across the table.

"What is it you want to talk about sweetie?" She smiled sweetly, I almost don't want to tell her.

"Umm... I'm pregnant."

She kind of stared at me for a minute. "Are you being serious?" She smiled. I nodded. "well um, congrats honey, uh whose the father?" this was surprising, her 20 year old daughter is pregnant and she doesn't really seem to have a problem.

"Well um, it's Louis." I bit my lip.

"Tomlinson?" she smiled. I nodded. "he's a lovely boy isn't he."

"I really love him."

"So have you two been serious for a while? I thought you didn't want to be involved. when did you meet the boys? how's Niall?" she was spamming me with questions.

"Um not really, no I didn't but they kind if figured it out and Niall is great. Were actually getting along."

"So what are you and Louis going to do with the baby?"

"Well, he wants to keep it but I don't want a baby."

"You don't want a family?"

"Not really."

"Well it's a bit late now honey!" mum giggled. I'm really surprised with her reaction. "Well how long are you staying for?"

"Just a couple days if that's alright."

"Stay as long as you need. and that's perfect because Greg is bringing Theo over tomorrow." I guess I can be happy that I am giving Theo a cousin. Theo may be the cutest child on earth, but I'm still not convinced that I'm mother material. Maybe Theo can help me with that.

"Ok." I smiled.

"I'm actually so excited for another grandbaby!"

"But mum I'm only 20!"

"Oh age is just a number darling."

"By the time I'm 30 I will have a 10 year old child."

"Does that matter? At least this child may stop you from getting drunk!"

"Ok calm down mum."

"I have something for you." she smiled.

I followed her to her bedroom where she opened a cupboard and pulled down a small box.

"I got this for you when you and Niall were born. I was so excited that I had a girl. I said that the day that my child will have a child, I shall give her this. Do you have your charm bracelet?" I have a charm bracelet that I've had since I was a baby. It used to be too big but now it fits perfectly. I took the bracelet off and handed if to mum. she put a new charm on and handed me back the bracelet. the charm was of a small baby carriage. "I didn't think I'd need it this soon but, I guess it happens when it happens."

"Thanks mum." I hugged her. "in really hungry do you think you could accommodate for me?"

"Of course! You're a pregnant woman you must be starving!" mum got up and went to the kitchen.

"So what makes you so drawn to Louis that you just had to have his child." she smiled.

"Ok mum, let's get this straight. this was an accident, This is a consequence. and I just think Louis is a really nice guy. He's smart, funny, kind and he cares about me."

"Ok don't call this child a consequence. It is a life growing inside of you! a person! be appreciative. some women can't even get pregnant and you're complaining because you are."

"Ok sorry mum."

"And I've always liked Louis the best as well. don't tell the others that."

I scoffed down 3 sandwiches and then I got really tired so I went to bed. I was back in my own room, the one I shared with Niall. his posters his the wall and my posters on mine. I didn't think that the last time I was here was the last time I wasn't a parent. I smiled and drifted to sleep.

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