I stayed dead quiet as Harper brought all of the ingredients out of the pantry and placed them on one of the big tables. I have little doubt that this little experiment of ours will end up with me setting their kitchen on fire. It took him almost four times to walk up and down for all of the ingredients. He took a cookbook and put it down in front of us. I bent down and read the title of the recipe;

"Death by Chocolate Cake"

I read the title and started to laugh. Harper looked at me like I was stupid.

"What is so funny?"

"There is actually a recipe with the name death by chocolate?" I continued to laugh and he just rolled his eyes at me. After a while I calmed down and read through the rest of the recipe.

"Piece of cake" I gave him a broad smile and Harper stared at me with no emotion on his face.

"Get it? We are going to bake a cake and I said...piece...of...cake..." I spoke the words slowly and he just looked annoyed.

I finally found one thing the golden boy Harper Brown does not have, a sense of humor. The list of what Harper Brown does not have is actually really short. Other items on the list include, a personality.

"Okay...So where do we start?"

"Just read the recipe McKenzie and do what it says! It is not rocket science."

"Easier said than done..." I mumbled and looked at the recipe again.

"Where is the oven?"

Harper lifted his left eyebrow as if though I had just asked him the stupidest question ever.

"Right in front of you smart a$%" He opened what looked like closet doors and inside was a silver oven.

"Well how was I supposed to know that you hide your bloody oven behind closed doors? Why do you do that? That is so weird. Are you scared the house help will steal it or something?" Harper did not answer me and turned on the oven to the right temperature.

I guess what I said was a bit offensive and mean. It was honestly not my intention. I just cannot help myself around Harper. For some unexplainable reason I just really hate him. I can't stop myself.

"What is your problem McKenzie?"

"Nothing...you...everyone..." He was not the first person who asked me that question.

The truth was that there were so many things that were going wrong that I did not exactly know what the precise issue or problem was. I had ninety nine problems and he was definitely one of them.

"Well do not make your problem, my problem. You always go on and on about how rude I am and how I am such a jerk, well you are exactly the same."

Harper picked up something from the table and started to rub it on the tin we will be using to bake the cake in. I do not really understand why I have to learn how to bake a cake.

Our family is not exactly big on the whole cake thing. Normal kids had cake on their birthdays, but as long as I can remember Skye and I have never had cake on our birthday. Every time it was our birthday we usually go to the coffee shop close to our house called the Red Flag and we would buy one chocolate muffin for each of us. Along with a scoop of extra ice-cream for me. Skye was not a huge fan of ice-cream. Then again, Skye is not a huge fan of eating in general. I have confronted him about it, but he does not want to accept that he has a problem.

I remember there was one birthday that we were not together during our birthday. It was last year. I was invited to Ashley's house and the girls held a girls night for my birthday. We had a bunch of cocktails and we put on face masks and did our nails.

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