Chapter Three: Just Friends?

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Hollaaaaaa!!! Chapter Tresss!! Woop Woop! This chapter's theme is all about best friends turning into something more ;) Hehe. Credzz to @chelseazahn for some of these! Soo..enjoy! :)

P.S. This is my favorite chapter :)

Niall Imagine: Imagine you're at your best friend Niall's house listening to him play with his guitar. When all of a sudden he starts to sing 'More Than This' looking at you right in the eye throughout the whole song. When he finishes your heart is beating so fast. Your in such shock your speechless. But Niall isn't. "Y/N we've been friends for years now. And through all those years I haven't stopped loving you for one second." He then grabs you and kisses you making you think 'Why didn't this happen sooner?!'

Liam Imagine: Imagine you and Liam have been best friends for as long as you can remember. Your boyfriend has recently broken up with you and you are crying on Liam's shoulder. He turns your head towards him saying "Y/N no guy that hurts you that much is worth crying over" he leans in for a comforting hug and you kiss his forehead and you say "You want to be more than friends too?" he kisses you on the lips and says "I have loved you forever."

Louis Imagine: Imagine your walking on the beach with your best friend Louis Tomlinson. He's got his arm around your shoulder and you guys are talking about how famous he's become. You accidentally trip on a rock and you both go crashing down. You lay on top of him saying sorry over and over. You go to get up but Louis just pulls you back down, surprising you, kissing you gently and says, "You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment."

Zayn Imagine: Imagine you and your best friend Zayn are hanging out while he's in town. You two are sitting on the couch and he says, "Y/N its 11:11, make a wish." You both close your eyes and make a wish. Zayn looks over at you and kisses you on the forehead. You tell him, "My wish has come true. What was your wish?" He says my wish will come true if you answer yes to my next question. You just nod in response. Zayn looks deeply into your eyes and says, "Y/N will you go out with me?" The biggest smile forms on your face as you respond "Yes. Of course"

Harry Imagine: Imagine you and your best friend Harry Styles are taking a stroll in the park while Harry vents to you about how sad it is not seeing you as often because he's on tour. You guys take a break from walking and sit on a nearby bench. He takes your hands and says, "Y/N it is so hard for me to go so long without seeing yo because I have always loved you." And you say, "Oh...really?" He responds, "I thought you would understand..but I guess not." You just smile and say, "Of course I understand. Because I love you too."

Hey guys..You should check out the video on the side bar cuz it's one of my fav of yea. Just watch it. :)

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