Entry #9

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Dear diary,

I told him! Yes, I did! I told Xavier about everything, from start to the end!

How my father hated my mother and wanted to get her killed. How he hired the other Professor Sanders to kill my mother while she was driving on the highway. How he didn't see her face but only knew the number plate on the car so he didn't realise that it was not my mother, but my sister and how he brutally killed her! Then, again, my dad did not care because my sister had been planning to expose his cruel ways to the rest of the world so he didn't mind killing her instead.

I told him all of it! He was shocked but I didn't give him the time to react. I just ran! I'm too scared to face him. I know I'll have to go back so, but right now, all I feel like doing is putting my head under my pillow and crying myself to sleep. I'm sure you are getting annoyed by my tears falling on your pages. I am sorry.

Talking about it... It just rose some feelings in me that I didn't want to think of since Jean died. Yes, I never told you her name, right? It was Jean. She was an amazing sister, she always took care of me and I have wished every day since her death for her to come back to me!

Still, I won't let her die in vain. Yes, I know I should be working on getting Prof. Sanders in trouble but I have realised something. Might as well get Dad caught first, right? And knowing my Dad, he would make sure that everyone involved in the crime with him is thrown in jail as well.

I have been trying to contact him for the past few days. Once I meet him, I'll make sure he doesn't leave that place as a free man. Until then, I'll leave you alone.

E. M

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