Entry #8

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Dear Diary,

I have been cursed. Just yesterday I was telling myself that I was lucky Amy wasn't teasing me about Xavier and today, she did exactly that!! I'm pretty sure someone cursed me! How else would she know that I was thinking about it just yesterday?

I went to meet Dad yesterday again.

Once again, it was me rapping my knuckles on the hard door, asking for permission to enter while he sat comfortably in his cushioned chair in his magnificent glass-walled office and barked out orders. Yes, barked, because he was worse than a dog. At least, dogs are loyal! He wasn't even capable of being that!

Xavier took me out for a date yesterday! I was so excited! He brought me to this really cool hilltop and we sat there and had a picnic. Then, we went to this expensive restaurant and I absolutely loved the food there. Thank goodness, money was not an issue for me or I would have fainted at the cost of each dish!

After that, we went to a nearby park and he kissed me! Okay, fine, it was only on the cheek but still..!!! I'm so happy!!! I still feel as giddy as I was when he dropped me home last night.

Mother didn't know that Xavier is my professor, though. She just thought that he was a boy in my college who liked me enough to take me out. Xavier didn't look that young but I guess Mother must be too happy seeing me open up that she hardly gave a thought to his age.

I don't really care about the age difference between us either. I mean, we would make quite a good coup- No, wait! This is not what I meant! We won't make a good couple or anything like that! I mean, we would, but just not now! I needed to still tell him the truth and I also needed to avenge my sister's death!

And I know exactly how to do that!


E. M

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