Chapter 10

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She was sitting on a rock staring into the woods, thinking. Astrid thought about what Hiccup had told her the other day when he discovered some dragon trappers on an island nearby working for a guy named Drago. He and she had no idea why this Drago would trap dragons. After all, all Vikings except Hiccup believed dragons to be evil. Whatever the case may be, Hiccup had a feeling it wasn't too, "keep them as pets," meaning malicious. She had to admit. She didn't like the news either. She wondered if Stoick had ever heard of this Drago, she'd have to ask him when she thinks of a good excuse for how she learned of him. She was so absorbed. She didn't even notice Snotlout approaching until he was right in front of her. "Listen, Astrid," he started with that supposed 'charm' he brags about, "I have a surprise arranged for you. Afternoon, four days from now. An early wedding gift, meet me at the arena then, please". Astrid glared at him, not giving any inclination that she was slightly curious.

The oddest thing about the rest of the day was that Snotlout hadn't bothered her for the rest of the day.


Though he strutted around the village with a look of pure confidence, he was nervous. I'm starting to feel that she isn't playing hard to get like her parents told me... he thought as he absently walked to the arena. Standing at the gates was Astrid's adopted father looking at the ground below. There, lying in a huddle, were four scuttleclaws chained to the ground. "Are you sure she'll like this? I mean, she isn't the one fighting the dragon...".

Her father laughed, "of course she will! She's very Viking like us. She'll love to watch a good and bloody battle".

"Okay, so we have the scuttleclaws, whos going to be their opponent?"

"Why lad, that Deadly Nader, of course!"

Snotlout stared into the arena, despite what is said, the reassurances, people telling me that she is just tough or stubborn. I still have a bad feeling about this. But is it the wedding? How does Astrid feel about me? Both? Neither? I don't want her to marry me because she feels she needs to. I want it to be of love. Why do I feel that this isn't how it's supposed to be? That... We aren't supposed to be... He felt he was missing something, a crucial piece to the puzzle. But was it something? Or someone?


He was lying on Toothless's side, propped up and absently sketching something in his journal. Toothless shifted, causing Hiccup to come to his senses with a jump. He looked down at the picture and sighed. Astrid started back at him, smiling happily in a sunset on an island theme. Hiccup ripped the paper out and threw it in a pile of five other accidental Astrid drawings. Awakened by the shredding of paper, Toothless perked up and looked expectingly at Hiccup. "Sure, you can burn it," he said. Toothless was about to shoot his plasma, but Lucky got there first. He shot a small amount of fire and burnt the pile to ash. Toothless had a quick glimpse of one of the Astrid pictures and looked at Hiccup as if to say, well? He sighed and got up. He scratched the back of his head and said, "I can't get her out of my mind, I know I should just forget. Gods, she's engaged... to my cousin! I have to just...", he made a motion with his hands like he was letting go of a dove. Toothless rolled his eyes and gave him a look that said, or?

Hiccup frowned, "there is no or to this..." then it dawned in him what Toothless was thinking, "oh no, Berk needs her! She can't just leave with me... if she's gone, who will be chief? No one will follow Fishleggs because they think him a coward. No one likes Snotlout, apparently, and don't even get me started with the twins! Astrid is the only person on Berk with sense". Toothless gave him another expecting look, this time with a hint of humor. Hiccup knew exactly what he was thinking. "Uh, yeah, no. Yes, I'm from Berk, and yes, I am the true heir. But remember? We're renegade, rogue, branded outcasts. No one will follow me. Hell, we aren't even supposed to set foot on this island! I can't just waltz in and say, 'your chief has arrived!' Father would definitely not have me there at all!" Hiccup turned from Toothless so he wouldn't see the tears rising in his eyes when thinking about his father. He never accepted me before. He definitely wouldn't now. Toothless, knowing when his friend is distressed, he wrapped Hiccup in his wings with comforting love. Hiccup smiled, "thanks, bud," he murmured as he started rubbing Toothless's snout. The dragon purred happily. Then Lucky came over and curled next to Hiccup's legs and went to sleep. He sat down with Toothless following suit. He pet the scuttleclaw absently as he and Toothless watched the sun fall. We'll begin our search again tonight at dusk.

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