Chapter 1: Trevor Maxwell

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Funny thing, I don't remember going to sleep duct-taped to a chair. I try to open my eyes, but recoil at the light of the world. My mind feels like it's in bullet time and my head is pounding. So I focus on another sense, inhale and out goes my bioelectric field. With it surrounding me, I can suddenly see everything, the flow of current through the copper veins in the walls, the shape of the room, steel on all sides save for one, where a glass wall creates a blank spot in my vision. Most importantly I see the subtle pulse of human hearts, people. Their every unconscious muscle twitch forms a vivid outline of them; four in all, three men and a woman. Enough recon, my head's clearing and I'm curious. My field did little to prepare me for what I see when I open my eyes.

The man in front of me is beyond words. He stands shirtless, grinning ear to ear in a pair of dress slacks. His dark hair looks like it ate the last few combs he tried to use on it. Draped around his shoulders is a white tiger skin cape. Not a cape made of tiger's skin, but an actual skinned tiger, head, tail, claws, and all. Its head lolls back behind him like some kind of carnivorous hoodie. The sheer gaudiness of it all almost blinds me to the rest of the people in the room. At his side, scowling at a clipboard stands a petite woman in a plain gray business suit. Her white hair is done up in a bun and she's wearing the same style glasses as my local librarian. The contrast is almost enough to give me whiplash. The other two people are fairly bland by comparison; just your average everyday rent-a-grunts, complete with buzz cuts and standard military camo.

"Glad you're up sleepy head. I was worried you'd miss the main event," the man with the tiger cape addresses me. "Yeah, would hate to miss that, but mind refreshing my memory on exactly what that is again, you know unconsciousness and all?"

"That's probably the sedatives." The man gestures at an IV tube that I now realize is hooked up to my arm. "I needed to keep you nice and relaxed, at least until your big friend gets here, and then the fun can start. But where's my head at? You probably don't even know my name. Trevor, Trevor Maxwell, world's greatest hunter. My lovely assistant here is Lilly." Trevor seems quite pleased with his assessment, chuckling to himself while, at his description of her, Lilly's pale skin turns a deep shade of scarlet and she suddenly finds her clipboard incredibly interesting.

Gag me. But by big friend he could only mean one thing. "Why are you trying to draw out a kaiju? What did Keravno do to tick you off?"

"It's nothing personal I promise, but those big whooping monsters showing up is the best damn thing that ever happened to guys like me, the rush you get from taking one of those things on." He pauses, shaking his head, smiling at this. "And your big blue buddy is the king of them all. I couldn't think of a better challenge. Although challenge might not be the right word, with what I have cooked up." Lilly interrupts him, "I'm sure it would be better as a surprise." She directs her gaze at me for the first time. "The men will keep you company so you don't get lost and disturb Mr. Maxwell's plan." Trevor's mouth is still open, stopped in mid thought. I can almost see the hamster on the wheel trying to figure out what she's implying.

He catches on soon enough. "Would lose my own head without this one." He pats Lilly's back and saunters toward the door. "Just relax man, enjoy the view. It's been one heck of a show." As I wonder what view he means, I realize that dark blue beyond the window is water, very deep water. I'm on a boat.

Now I am alone; well, if I don't count Bulk and Skull here, who haven't moved since Trevor left. Bulk had taken up a position behind me and is scrutinizing the top of my head, while Skull continues staring blankly at me from in front of the window. I need to think, figure out what plan this Trevor guy has up his sleeve. Just my luck to end up with villains who are smart enough not to give away their plans, if only just. Friggen drugs are messing with my head, making it hard to think. Feels like everything, body and brain, have been wrapped in a lead blanket.

KERAVNO / KAIJU BOATDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora