Ethan came walking into his direction, and Tyler leaned down so Ethan wouldn't see he had been staring. When he heard the familiar tapping, he turned to look at Ethan again.

One more thing he hated about Ethan, was that he was so goddamn pretty.

He remembered when Ethan had just entered school, his face had been full of acne, but now his skin was pale and smooth. His hair was styled with care and looked incredibly soft. Tyler kind of wanted to know what his eyes looked like.

Then he scoffed. When he first met Ethan, he'd thought he was lucky – a cute new guy, with those weird big-ass sunglasses and that soft, shy smile that made his stomach flip. But he never really approached him, and the more he watched from the side the more he saw Ethan become this asshole.

"Hey," Ethan whispered, touching his arm lightly. "Could I get your notes for this class?"

Tyler snorted. "No, go make your own."

Ethan's eyebrows furrowed together. "But I-"

"Kids, quiet."

The teacher interrupted them before Ethan could finish his sentence. Not that Tyler wanted to hear the sentence. He would probably make some bullshit excuse that would make him look like even more of an asshole. Tyler didn't understand why other people did like him.


Tyler was on the way to his locker, when he met Ethan again.

The boy was for once walking alone, his hand trailing along the lockers. He looked a little disorientated. Tyler sighed – he didn't put it past him to go to school drunk or high or something.

When he turned to his own locker again, he heard a loud yelp and when he looked Ethan was on the floor. His sunglasses had fallen off, his hands were shaking as he tried to push himself up. Tyler ran towards him, offering his hand, but Ethan straight up ignored him.

"Well, ok then," Tyler mumbled. He stood up and turned his back towards the boy on the floor. Definitely still an asshole.

"Shit," he heard behind him, and instead of turning around he just shot a look at him from over his shoulder. Ethan was grabbing blindly around him, trying to find something.

"You looking for your sunglasses?"

Ethan looked up at the direction Tyler's voice came from. To Tyler's annoyance, he had his eyes closed. He send Tyler a weak and obviously fake smile. Tyler felt like his skin was tightening and burning – he barely felt hate but did Ethan really have to treat him like that?

"You're an asshole you know? You're right in front of it and you don't even pick it up? And what's with that fake grin of yours? I know we're not exactly friends, but you don't have to treat me like trash! You act like you can't even look at me!"

If Ethan looked angry before, now he was really pissed off.

"You want me to open my eyes? Sure, here you go!" He opened his eyes, and Tyler nearly gasped. His eyes were foggy white, with a big blue iris that seemed to be fading – and no pupil. There was just the blue that faded to white.

"I'm blind you idiot!" he yelled.

The words echoed through the hallway which suddenly went quiet. Several heads turned to look at the scene and Tyler felt blood rush to his cheeks.


"Yeah, "oh"," Ethan snorted, but there was no humour in there. "Now, could you please hand me over my glasses and stop making this day worse?"

Everything clicked now.

He wasn't a player, he just needed help to get to the classes.

He didn't think it was normal to come in late, he just couldn't move fast like other's and especially not in a crowd.

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