Liz, 9 Years Old

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In fifth grade, for the first time in her life, Liz had a lot of friends.  She was starting to understand popularity, and she was one of the popular girls in her class.  She never had to eat lunch alone, or be out on the playground by herself, she always had a group of girls around her. In fact, she was one of the only girls in fifth grade to have a boyfriend.  She loved her life.  Sir Father was not drinking these days, and her parents were barely fighting anymore.  Her sister, Kim, was attending a special school down the road, so she didn't have to babysit her little sister before or after school.  She was able to go to friends houses, and was finally able to have friends come to her house, though she rarely did invite anyone over.  She did have a best friend, Kimberley.  They lived in apartment buildings that were next door to each other, so they walked home together every day.  Often, because no one was home after school, she would go to Kimberley's apartment with her and they would listen to music and play games until Kimberly's Mom came home, then she would say goodbye, and go back to her apartment.

One day in the early summer, when there was only a few weeks left of school, she and Kimberley were walking home.  They had passed by her building, and cut through the parking lot to Kimberley's apartment.  They passed a tree that had wild fruit growing on it.  The girls had noticed the tree many times before, but never paid attention to it.  Today, with the tree full of the ripe fruit, they decided to pick and eat the fruit.  It was good tasting, but a bit sour.  They had no idea what kind of fruit it was, but they kept eating piece after piece of the fruit.  Eventually, they both got stomach aches and quit eating the fruit.  They made their way over to Kimberley's apartment.
As usual, Kimberley's Mom wasn't yet home from work.  The girls went into Kimberley's bedroom and flopped out on her bed.  They laid there for a little bit, moaning and holding their stomachs, hoping they would start to feel better soon.  Kimberley got up and put on a record, and the girls started dancing around and trying to figure out how to do the "Mashed Potato" dance.  Kimberley had some funny records that tried to tell you what moves to make to do the dance.  They were listening to one when Kimberley's Mom came in.  She knew, the instant she saw her, and stole a look at Kimberley, and saw that Kimberley knew too.  Liz mumbled "goodbye, Kimberley" and started to gather her things, when Kimberley's Mom slurred,
"Where do you think YOU are going, Lizzie-poo?"  It was a sickeningly sweet voice, and she knew it meant trouble – very big trouble.

"Uh, I was going to go home, I think my sister might be getting home, and I need to be there to let her in our apartment."

"No, Lizzie, I don't think you are going to go anywhere."  At this, Kimberley's Mom scratched the album as she stopped it, broke the album over her knee, threw the portable record player at the wall and then stormed out of the room and locked the door, with both girls in the room.  Her eyes got huge and started to fill with tears.  She would have expected this at home, but she never knew Kimberley's Mom drank.

Kimberley sighed, and lay down on her bed.  Then she said, "Well, I guess we'll be in here for a while, Liz."  At this, Kimberley turned away from her, and faced the wall. She was quiet and wouldn't answer any of her questions.

"Kimberley, how long will she leave us in here?  How long, Kimberley?  Kimberley, I need to go home, how do I get out?  Kimberley!"
No answer.  She finally sat down on the floor with her back against the wall.  She just stared at Kimberley, and eventually saw her shoulders shaking, and knew she was crying.  Liz knew exactly how Kimberley was feeling, and she wanted to go hug her, but found herself unable to stand.  She checked her watch, and knew her Mom was just getting home.  She walked to the window and looked out.  She couldn't see the parking lot where her Mom parked the car.  All of a sudden, she realized she was on the first floor, and she could crawl through the window and get home.  She didn't want to leave Kimberley alone, but she knew she needed to get home.  Just as she was about to open the window, Kimberley's Mom flung the door open.

"Lizzie-poo.  Your Mother just called and wanted to know where you were.  I told her you were here, listening to albums.  She said for you to go home right now.  Get your shit, and get the fuck out of my house.  Don't EVER come over here again.  I do not appreciate you snooping in my bedroom and taking albums out of my room and making my daughter play them for you.  You are a worthless, piece of shit person, and my daughter needs friends who won't encourage her to snoop and steal.  Kimberley, you are not allowed to hang with this human trash ever again, do you understand me?"

"Yes, Ma'am" they both uttered at the same time.  The girls exchanged a long look as Liz gathered her things.  She wanted to say they hadn't gone into Kimberley's Mom's room, but she knew since she was drunk she wouldn't listen and wouldn't believe her.

She flung her backpack on and started to head towards the door when Kimberley's Mom said, "Kimberley, take off all your clothes, and lay down on your bed on your stomach.  I'm going to get the tools from my room, and I'll be right back to give you your punishments.  You better be naked from head toe when I get back, on your stomach with your legs spread and waiting for me.  I'll get you good.  I'm going to remind you what happens when you break my rules."

Liz ran home, and wasn't sure what to do.  She knew what was about to happen to Kimberley, and she knew it was probably going to hurt her very bad.  When she got home, she realized that no one was home.  She went into the apartment, and no one was there.  She sat down on the couch and watched tv.  She didn't have any homework, and didn't know what else to do.  She really wanted to talk to her Mom about what was going on to Kimberley, but no one was around.  When her parents and sister got home later that evening, her Mom said,
"So, did you have a nice dinner over at Kimberley's house?"

"What?" Liz asked.

"Her Mom said you wanted me to come home, so I came right home.  I've been here for a while."

"Really?  I'm sorry, Liz, she told me she wanted you to stay there for dinner, and I said that was OK.  Weird.  Are you hungry?"

"Yes Mom.  Can I have something for dinner?"

"Yeah, let me make something for you."  Just as she was about to tell her Mom what was happening, Sir Father came in and started talking to her Mom.

She kept trying to get her parents attention, but they told her, "Liz, we're talking right now.  We'll talk to you when we're through."  Her parents were never finished talking, and then it was time for her to go to bed.  She tried again to tell her Mom, but Mom said, "Liz, it's bedtime.  You can talk to me tomorrow after school, ok?  Now, I need you to go to sleep."
The next day at school, Kimberley never showed up.  That night Sir Father got drunk and Mom put her and her sister to bed early so they would be out of Sir Father's way and not get hurt.  She tried to talk to her Mom, but Mom said, "Not now!  I need you to go to bed so you're out of the way.  We'll talk later, ok?"  The next day, the teacher announced that Kimberley had gotten hurt, and wasn't going to be returning to the school.  In fact, the teacher said, Kimberley and her Mom had already moved, and Kimberley was attending a new school.

At this news, Liz felt her stomach sink.  She daydreamed all the rest of that day, and when school was out, she went to Kimberley's apartment, and saw for herself, Kimberley and her Mom had already moved out, and it appeared that nothing was left in the apartment.  She had no idea where they had moved to, and had no way to contact her former best friend.  Liz was overcome with grief.  She started sobbing, and then caught herself.  She closed her eyes, flapped her arms, and flew to her own, private world.

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