Chapter 3. The Beach

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Gallys Pov

I can’t believe it!
Thomas has given me the cure!
That ment if it really was the cure, nobody knows if it is going to work...
I hope it does but deep inside myself I heard a voice repeating the same question over and over again... what if it doesn't?
I shook my head about that thought, trying to get it out.
I couldn't allow myself to think this negative.
It just has to.
Teresa did lie yeah, she did very often but why should she lie about the cure?
We all heard it when she spoke to Thomas.
She said that Branda wasn't cranky anymore because of his blood.
It worked out one time... so why wouldn't it another?
But the voice of disbelief was already back in my head.
What if she just wanted Thomas to be back by her side and only pretended to know how to mixup the serum.
I looked at my surroundings, making sure that no one had followed me.
It was the middle of the night and it was dark outside, another reason to be careful.
I walked along the beach leaving the camp behind me, drowned in my thoughts.
I had to avoid Thomas it was the only way to keep my secret.
Well "His“ secret, I promised him.
But why... why did he try to avoid Minho, Fry and especially Thomas... his friends? 
It's better to give in and let them help isn't it?
My thoughts were gone when I saw a light getting brighter and brighter.
I walked towards the light and I saw just what I expected to see.

I saw Vince standing near the natural wall which was made out of stone and sand.
He held a torch that spend more light than people would expect it to do.
I smiled walking towards the leader of the safe heaven, closing the distance between the two of us.
He stretched his hand out as i finally stood in front of him.
Vincent took my hand and shook it.
It was kind of a ritual between the two of us
Every day when the midnight hours had passed, it was sure that Vince and me could be found at the beach, between the stone wall and the ocean in the same spot as always, shaking hands in the early morning hours but nobody knows about it and nobody was supposed to know.
It was a secret between the leader and me, the tall boy with the short blonde hair.
It was a secret we shared, a secret that no one was allowed to find out about.
But now with Thomas awake, it would be even more difficult to hide it, I was aware of that.
It wasn't easy before Thomas had woken up either.
Minho always questioned my behavior, was curious about my sudden disappearances but that's it, he just asked questions.
But Thomas wasn't that kind of person who only asked, he would probably sneak out in the night and follow me if i wasn't careful enough.

"Any news?", Vince asked me, letting go of my hand.
"News?! Just the BEST thing In the world happened today!!", I responded excitedly.
"What did happen? Did Brand give you your hairband back?", Vincent laughed.
I rolled my eyes at that unnecessary comment.
"Nooo! And it was a headband not a hairband!", I scoffed, a bit of annoyance in my tone.
"So then, what did happen?", Vince repeated his question and I went serious, all of a sudden.
"I found Thomas at the beach today staring at the water. He was about to throw something away, I'm glad that he didn’t.
When I caught up to him I saw that sad look in his eyes. I aked him if he had a little time to chat, first he wanted to avoid me but I didn't gave up so he said that he was going to listen, what I had to say.
I started to apologize and he forgave me. The I asked him about what he wanted to get rid of before I came.
He told me and I asked him if I can have it and he really gave it to me.
T-t-the object he carried with him...was the cure!!"
The leader stared at me in shock.
"You must be kidding, are you loosing your mind?", he asked.
"Do I look like a clown to you?? I don't joke!"
To prove my statement I pulled the cure out of my pocket.
As I did, I looked into Vince face.
He was pale and I could see how he literally went through every emotion possible.
I have never seen him like this before.
He came out of his shocked state, "Than what are we waiting for? We should get in there!"
I looked to my right side, aware that I would see the entrance to the cave.

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