Expecting to not fight?

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Gray: What have I told you about reading off the jobs?

Natsu: Sorry, I didn't know.

Gray: Yeah, cause your stupid!

(Gray makes an ice hammer and hits Natsu in the head)

Natsu: Ow! Quit it! Perv!

(Natsu runs outside, dragging Gray, and throws fireballs at him)

Gray: How about you quit it! Pyro!

(Gray and Natsu are using their magic and fighting with each other)

(Erza walks outside the guild)

Erza: What do you think you two are doing?

(Gray and Natsu are in the position of a hug)

Gray and Natsu: (sarcastically) Nothing...............

Erza: (hits them both on the head) What have I told you about fighting each other!

Gray and Natsu: (sounding scared) Sorry, Erza.

Erza: Now Natsu, have you learned not to mess with jobs that you don't know about?

Gray: He will never learn.

Natsu: Yes, Erza, I have. See, stupid perv.

Erza: Are you sure?

Natsu: (gulps) Yes.

Erza: The don't do it again.

Natsu: O-ok


Thanks guys for reading my stories! Please tell me if you don't like them, so I can edit them or make better ones in the future. Give me any ideas for any new stories if you like as well! I will listen to anyone that gives me suggestions, so please vote if you like my storys!


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