Out At Town

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Natsu in Gray's body: Hey guys, I'm Gray. Would anyone like to hit me? I am bored and have nothing to do

(everyone is lining up to hit "Gray")

Gray in Natsu's body: Stupid flame brain! Cut it out! Fine, you wanna play, I'll play............... hmm Would anyone like to see me kiss Lucy?

(everyone cheering "Lucy! Lucy! Lucy!)

Natsu in Gray's body: Ok, that's enough.

Gray in Natsu's body: Oh, but the people want to see. I will get Lucy. (goes to get Lucy)

Natsu in Gray's body: Does anyone want to kiss me?

(all the girls, with Juvia in the back, lines up to kiss "Gray")

Natsu in Gray's body: (kissing all the girls, and Juvia is still in the middle of a long kiss with him)

Gray in Natsu's body: Hey! NO! Fine then, (kisses Lucy)

Lucy: What are you doing, Gray? I know your not Natsu, and Natsu! What are you doing with Juvia?

Juvia: Oh but Lucy, Gray finally kissed Juvia.

Lucy: No, that's Natsu in Gray's body, and Gray in Natsu's body is trying to kiss me.

Gray and Natsu: No were not! Shut up! No you shut up!

Erza: (walks over and hits Gray and Natsu over the head) What is wrong with you two? (dragging them back to the guild)

Gray and Natsu: It was him! No, it was you! No, shut up!

Erza: Shut up both of you! The master is here. (they are back at the guild)

Gray and NatsuWhere stories live. Discover now