Chapter Seventy-Five

Start from the beginning

"Mother," Chloe appears, "that is enough," she smiles and scoots her mother away.

"Hey," I chuckle, "your moms nice."

"She can be a bit nosey," she looks around, "I was thinking we can go out to eat. Unless?"

"No," I shake hands, "I'm running on an empty stomach, dinner sounds great actually. Any suggestions?"

"What's your favorite restaraunt?" she latches her arms around my neck. We are still outside and she has yet to invite me in.

"Well my brothers and I love to go to Nando's but-"

"Nando's it is then," she kisses me, "I'll get my coat."

Edward's POV

"I think we should have a boys night out," Michael chews.

"Doesn't this count?" I laugh, "we're boys and we're out."

"I meant like a real boys night out," he swallows to continue his statement, "I hear there's a football match next weekend at Wembley."

"Nah," Calum shakes his head and bites into his burger after the waitress brings it over, "I'm done with watching football."

So far, only Calum's plate was brought since he ordered the simplest thing on the menu. Michael was eyeing the waitress and she gave him one of those 'in your dreams' stares.

"Yet you still play Fifa," Luke glares at Calum.

"I don't like Fifa," Ashton announces. We all are taken back after he says that.

"What do you mean you don't like Fifa, everyone loves Fifa," Luke gives him a disgusted look.

"I hate you," Calum says.

"I'm so judging you right now," Michael shakes his head.

"Get out of the band," I point to the door and start laughing and so do the boys. 

"That's not funny," Ashton frowns, "yeah fuck you guys."

After a solid ten minutes, the same waitress, along with another man bring our order to us. I stare at Michael and he's frowning at me. I mouth 'what' and look up to see the waitress smiling at me.

"Taken lady," I show her a sexy picture of Tia from my phone and she blushes and walks away.

"Was that neccesary?" Michael laughs, "I'm about to have dinner and you pull out a picture of my half naked cousin."

"You should be proud to have a cousin as hot as Tia," I smile and he rolls his eyes.

"She is hot," Luke agrees. I raise a brow but let it slide, I know he has no affection for her, considering I am her boyfriend and we're in a band.

"Is that Harry?" Michael points. I turn around in me seat hoping it's not but hell, he is right. He's finger locked with the Mrs. SpreadHerLegsAlot.

"Is that.." Luke squints his eyes. Fuck.

"He's with Chloe," Ashton nudges Luke.

"They're dating," I huff. I turn around in my seat knowing this won't end well tonight.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Luke says. Here we go, "that's hilarious." what?

"What the hell? Why," I look at him and he's laughing his ass off.

"I was literally just with her an hour ago," he look at Ashton, "I want that scandalous hoe to see me. I want to see her reaction."

"Go walk by her," I laugh. Seeing her face would be funny as hell, and seeing Harry's clueless face would be even better.

Harry's POV

"I didn't think you'd actually want to go here," I tell Chloe.

"It's not bad," she smiles and looks around the restaraunt.

The waiter comes over and hand us our menus. She looks at me then turns around, then back at me again. She looks puzzled and lost.

"Didn't I just take your food?" she looks at me.

"What?" I look at her, "I just arrived."

"But you were over there and you showed me a picture of your half naked girlfriend to me," she frowns and shakes her head.

"What?" Chloe gasps.

"No I didn't," my heart starts beating. Then I realize, "oh. You misunderstood, I'm a triplet and the other was my brother you've mistaken me for. Does he have a lip and nose piercing?"

"Yes," she recalls.

"Edward," I laugh then frown, "Edward?"

"So that wasn't you who I just served?" she seems embarassed.

"No that was my triplet," I reassure her. She nods and leaves I feel still a bit confused.

"He's here?" Chloe looks around, "is that bitch here too."

"Hey calm down," I say and look around, "he's over there with his friends."

They seem to have spotted us and Chloe quickly looks away.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm fine," she slightly ducks down. I look over at Edward and he and his friends are laughing but they keep turning this way.

"I know his friends can be intimidating but they're harmless," I hold her hand from across the table.

I look over again and Luke stands up from the group. Edward's back is towards me and Luke walks this way. What the hell does he want.

"Hey Harry," he says and I shake his hand. 

"What's up?" I smile. Luke is a cool guy and he's one of the other band mates of Edwards I can tolerate.

"Nothing just heading to the bathroom, Ed says Hey," surprisingly. Luke looks at Chloe who's looking away and out the window.

"Chloe," Luke peaks in, "how are you."

"Fine," she answers without looking.

"You two know eachother?" I look back and forth between the two of them.

"Lab partners," Luke says, "she's very smart."

"hmph," I shrug.

"Well see you around," Luke pats my back.

"Later mate," I say and he salutes me.

Chloe looks back at me with a half smile. 

"How intimated are you by him? You seemed scared when he came over here," I rest my elbows on the table and stare at her.

"He's just-" she stutters, "he's just a big asshole. I don't care for him much, he's rude and just a jerk."

"Well don't worry," I hold her hands with mine, "I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you."

(Hey guys! I love you all :D and I wanted to let you know that if you have or want to make any cool edits for the book that I can post and share on instagram, feel free to send them to me!

I get super happy when i get sent those amazing edits! Of course I will credit your work! You can send them to me on Instagram @IWLWWY_Fanfics or my twitter @pacsunxharry ! 

If it contains gifs, i prefer you email it to me ( and just give me your twitter or instagram name so i can credit you!

Please send some in! It would mean a lot to me! Love you guys :)

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