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"Dude I can measure those vibrations!!!" announced Joshua very excitedly.

"WHAT???" grasped the others, jumping in excitement.

"Yeah, I can measure earth vibrations . . . after all I'm the master of land!!"

On hearing that a peculiar grin grew over everyone's face.

After that the organization helicopter took Joshua to the same site, where Israr, Caspian and Veer were. He saw it all too. It was a terrible scene, such destruction, such violence. At once Joshua jumped down the chopper, and ran to Caspian.

"Caspian, take me to the laser, as close as you can, now!!" requested Joshua.

"What??" grasped Caspian, "You cannot be in a sane mind, after putting such a request at me. It would not be appropriate at all for me, to take you there, you hav-"

"DUDE!!" interrupted Joshua, talking loudly, so he could be heard, over the voices of all the commotion and the laser, " just take me as near as you can, trust me, we have a plan."

"As you wish!!" commented Caspian, and teleported him very near to the laser. Joshua bent down on one knee, and put his hands on the ground and started to feel and read those vibrations. Caspian stood behind him, his hands over Joshua's back to teleport any moment, with him. As Joshua began to read those vibrations, Caspian looked at the laser, it was so red, the color got reflected on his face, and it generated so much heat, that Joshua and Caspian had already began to sweat.

"Got it!!!" shouted Joshua, "Caspian now!!", and Caspian teleported him far from the laser.

The laser was getting too much into the public, so Israr shouted over to Veer,

"Veer, divert the laser away from the public area!!"

"On it!!" shouted Veer, running at a really high speed in the process. Then a brilliant idea hit him. He stood at a place, and shouted over, in his loudest pitch, looking up in the sky,

"Hey Lugia . . . man you stink . . . you're the lousiest villain I've ever seen!!!"

All of a sudden the laser started moving towards Veer. He smiled and nodded at Israr, and ran at impossible speeds. He diverted the laser from the city into the water. He actually ran above the water, he didn't sink. He ran above the water so fast, that the water almost split into two. Then Lugia understood the heroes were up to something, so he switched off the laser. In the meantime Joshua send the vibration measurement to Crawford. Dharam entered then into the computer's seismic database, and found out Lugia's rough location, in terms of latitudes and longitudes.

"Guys," announced Crawford, over the microphone, "Come back to base."

The gang returned back to base. Caspian, Israr and Joshua looked very worn out. There were burned holes on their uniforms, and black smoke over their faces and hands.

"So Chief, what's the deal??" asked Israr wiping his face, with his hand, the white band on his left hand, and the crown chain in his neck were still intact.

"Well, what we have here is . . . that Joshua's found out Lugia's location!!!" announced Crawford proudly.

"Jolly, good show, old chap!!" commented Israr over Joshua, and he looked down in shyness. Then Israr came over and put his weight over Joshua from behind, and showed his hair, and everyone smiled, and Joshua felt really appreciated.

YOU'LL NEVER KNOW CHRONICLES -  BEGINNING OF A NEW REVOLUTIONOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz