On the third ring, Sir Father answered the phone.  "Yeeeaaaah?  Whosdere?"  He slurred into the phone.

As soon as she heard his voice, she rolled her eyes, and felt knots in her stomach.  She wanted to hang up, and wait a few minutes to call back in case Mom would answer, but Mrs. Murray was standing right there, and she heard his voice.  She nodded encouragingly at her, as if to tell her to go ahead and ask permission.  "Uh, hi Sir Father, it's me, Liz.  I wanted..."

Before she could finish, he interrupted, "Liz!  Where in the hell are you?  I've been looking for you all damn day, little girl.  Get your ass home, NOW!" screamed Sir Father.

"Sir Father, I am at my friend Toni's house.  We..."

"I don't give a flying fuck where the hell you are, Liz.  Get your fucking ass home now."
"Sir Father, you told me"

"I didn't tell you a goddamned thing, Liz.  Stop your fucking lying, and get the fuck home this instant, you lying brat."

"Yes sir.  I am on my way home," she whispered into the phone.

She felt the tears stinging her eyes, and she tried so hard not to let them fall, but they started flowing anyway.  Mrs. Murray could hear Sir Father's screaming, and she felt bad for her, but she wasn't sure what she could do.

"Liz, I'm sorry you aren't able to spend the night.  Perhaps another night, ok sweetheart?"  Mrs. Murray said, as she gave her a hug.  "Do you want me to walk you back to your apartment?"

"No, I'll be fine, thank you.  Bye Toni."

"Bye Liz."

"Oh, Liz, here, don't forget to take your animal molds we made at the zoo home.  These are yours.  Come back any time you can to play, ok sweetie?"


She was so scared to go back to her apartment.  She wasn't sure what she was going to find.  She wasn't sure if he was going to spank her and accuse her of lying, or if he'd just forget all about the phone call by the time she got home.  He did forget things, sometimes.  She just hoped for the best and got home fast.
When she got near her apartment, she could hear her parents fighting outside.  She froze in place, tears streaming down her cheeks.  She hated when her parents fought, she was always so afraid that Sir Father would hurt her Mom, and she always felt so embarrassed when they fought where everyone could see and hear.  She wished she didn't have to go home, that she didn't have to go near them.  She was trying to see if she could come up with a way to get into her bedroom without Sir Father seeing her.  She peered around the corner of the building, but they were in the courtyard just in front of the apartment door.  She decided to sneak around the backside of the building, and see if she could sneak up behind Sir Father and get into the apartment while he was facing Mom.  When she turned the corner to come up the backside of the building, Sir Father was standing in the grass just in front of their car, with her younger sister in the backseat of the car.

"Jim, please, let Kim out of the car.  She can stay here with me."

"Harmony, I am the fucking Father.  I will take my daughters any damn place I damn well want, any damn time I want, and you won't fucking stop me."

"I know, Jim.  I wanted to get her a bath and put her to bed.  Please"

"Shut the fuck up, Harmony.  Kim is going with me."

"But Jim..."

"There you are, you fucking lying brat!"  Sir Father yelled.  He stumbled his way to her, and grabbed her arm and squeezed so hard it hurt, and dragged her to the car.  "Get the fuck in this car."

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