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That evening, I went to bed early. I had hastily eaten something before I fled to my tree. I pulled my journal from its hiding spot and flipped to an empty page. 

I messed up.

I messed up badly. 

I lost everything yesterday. I lost Thomas, I lost my place as a Runner and I lost Newt's trust. I don't know how to fix this. The only way to get back with the Runners is to win Minho's trust again, but he hasn't talked to me all day.  

I've had this pounding headache for days. It won't go away. It has been distracting me from my tasks because it feels like someone's in my brain, hammering a shovel against my brain. 

I've been having these dreams lately. The same dream every night. A woman attacking me. She's on a bed before she reaches out, grabs my throat and slams me on the floor. That's when I wake up. I feel like I recognize the woman, but then three seconds later, I have completely forgotten what she looked like.

I wish Alby was here. He'd know a way to make me feel better. 

I closed the journal and put it away. I nestled my head in the sheets and looked up at the stars, trying not to think about anything until I fell asleep. 


The next day was just like the previous one. Patching up hands, feet, and faces. Frypan came by too, he had accidentally dropped boiling water on his arm. He chatted with me and I decided to go along. He avoided the subjects Runner, Thomas, and Med-Jack as much as possible and I was grateful for that. 

He told me about how Julian, one of the newest Cooks had put salt in the pancake batter instead of sugar and now he had to throw out a few good gallons of pancake batter. I was quite disappointed by that because I loved Frypan's pancakes. He always kept a few behind for me and the Runners to take on our daily run. 

I immediately shook off the thought and went back to wrapping Frypan's arm in a bandage. 

"Thanks, Leah, you're the best." He smiled before he went back to his kitchen. 

I went to see Alby on my lunch break. He was still in a deep slumber from the syringe I had stabbed him with. "Hey, Alby. When are you going to wake up again? We need you here," I spoke softly. I hadn't noticed the door being opened but I wasn't startled as Teresa sat next to me. 

"Hi," she said. I greeted her with a nod. "I heard what happened to you and Thomas." 

I chuckled humorlessly. "It was stupid. It shouldn't have happened. I put both of us in danger," I stated, running my hands through my hair. I massaged my temples to soothe the headache pounding against the skull.

"I've heard someone talking about how you broke a rule and that you should be banished, yet you are still here. Why's that?" she asked.

"I don't know. Gally decided that it wasn't necessary." I exhaled slowly. "I should get back to work." I got up and walked away, leaving Teresa and Alby behind me. 


I woke up the next morning feeling sick. I dashed away from the hammocks and threw up in the grass a few feet removed from the sleeping area. 

A few Gladers came running toward me. "Leah, are you okay?" I heard Minho asked while my entire dinner from last night came out the wrong way.

I sat back and took the glass of water Zart handed me. "Clint, can you check her?" Newt asked.

"I probably ate something that wasn't good anym-" I was cut off by more vomit.

"This doesn't look like something wrong that you ate. Let me see." Clint came up to me. He checked my vitals. "I've got to take you to the shack. You'll have to sit it out."

I sighed deeply. "Thrown from the Runners and sickness? Can this get any worse?" 

Clint heaved me from the floor. "What's going on? Leah!" Thomas's voice called. I went to turn around but Clint pulled me with him and I didn't have the strength to fight him.

"C'mon, just tell me if she's okay!" I heard Thomas protest.

"There, you should be fine again in a few days." Clint patted my forehead with a cold cloth even though I felt fine, which I had told him multiple times.

"Clint, there's no need to do this. I feel okay." I moved to sit up but I was pressed back into the bed immediately.

"You just threw up, you're not fine," he said.

"Leah-" Thomas barged into the room with three other Gladers on his tail. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. You shouldn't be here." I tried not to look at him even though it was so tempting.

I missed his touch, I missed his voice, I missed his hugs, kisses, and cuddles. I missed everything. But I shoved it all to the back of my mind, knowing where our silly mistake had led me.

"Yes, I should. I care about you and I want to know if you're okay." He sat down on the chair beside my bed. 

"I'm fine, really." I sent him a small smile.

"Good." He averted his eyes to the floor. "Can you guys give us a second?" Thomas turned to the boys behind him.

Zart shook his head. "Gally gave us clear orders, no one loses sight of you. You're actually not even allowed to be in the same room together." He folded his arms over his chest.

A familiar rattling noise came from outside. Thomas frowned. "It's been a month since you came up, it's the Box with new supplies," I stated. Even though Clint objected, I got up and walked outside.

The Box had arrived at the surface and Newt swung the doors opened. "It's empty," He said with raised eyebrows.

"No, it's not. What's that?" I pointed at a small bundle of fabric that was lying in the corner of the Box.

Newt stepped toward it and unwrapped the cloth to find a note and a small, white stick. "What does it say?" I asked.

"You know who it's for," he read. "What's that supposed to mean? And what is this?" He held up the white stick. Several people let out gasps. "What?"

"It's a pregnancy test." 

What a twist, I know, right? Please bear with me, it's all for the storyline :)

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