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"So, what's our strategy for tomorrow?" Minho asked as he sat down next to me. Half of his soup spilt out of the bowl he was holding. 

"Watch it. You're going to burn my arm off," I hissed as a splash of soup landed on my arm. 

"Sorry, my bad," Minho muttered. "So, strategy?" 

"Thomas and I can talk about it after dinner?" I suggested. Thomas nodded after swallowing a spoonful of soup. 

Once we finished dinner, I brought our bowls to Frypan so he could clean them and use them again. We tried to walk toward the Runners' shack slowly but the closer we got, the more excited I became. 

I closed the door behind me and was instantly pressed against the wall as Thomas captured my lips with his. I clasped my hand around the collar of his shirt and lay the other on the back of his neck. Thomas's hands found themselves on my hips.

"Guys, have you seen- What the shuck?!" I let out a gasp and pushed Thomas away. I found Newt standing in the doorway. He must've opened the door again because I was sure to close it.

"Shuck, Newt, it's not what it looks like," I cursed.

Newt replied by slowly shaking his head and walking away. 

"Leah, wait-" Thomas started, but I cut him off. 

"Don't follow me," I snapped. "Newt!" I called again and ran after my friend. 


"Leah, you violated one of the rules by having a romantic involvement with the Newbie. You know what happens to people who violate the rules," Gally spoke with a disappointed look in his eyes. 

I was seated on a stool, staring down in shame. My eyes stayed focused on the floor as Gally held his little speech. Normally, Newt would do these kinds of things, but he hadn't shown up.

"Do you understand?" I nodded my head slowly. "Good, no more sneaking off and you will be watched around the clock." I let out a breath and silently accepted the consequences. "Also, you are kicked from the Runners for the time being and will continue to work as a Med-Jack starting from tomorrow." 

I shot up, eyes wide. "What?!"

"Gally, you can't do that!" Thomas jumped to his feet. 

"The hell I can. You made a mistake. Leah, you lied to me! This is your punishment. You should be happy I'm not banishing you. End of gathering." Without another word, Gally left the shack.

"Gally!" I exclaimed as I ran after him. I grabbed his forearm and turned him around. "You can't throw me from the Runners, only the keeper or the leader can do that."

"Both Minho and Newt said they'd agree with whatever I decide." 

"Gally, please," I pleaded, the lump forming in my throat caused my voice to crack. 

"I'm sorry, Leah, but you got yourself into this mess. The only ones to blame are you and Thomas." Those were his final words before he walked away. 

I balled my fists and pressed my nails into my palms. Tears welled up in my eyes but I refused to let them fall. Being a Runner was who I am. Over the past three years, I had spent every second of the day either running or thinking about finding a way out. Now that I lost that, it felt like part of my soul was missing.


I woke up the next morning feeling empty. I had nothing to look forward to except spending the entire day with the Med-Jacks. 

I rolled out of my hammock and put on my boots. With slumping steps, I made my way to the Med-Jacks, not even bothering to have breakfast. I started my day by patching up the hand of one of the Slicers, Frankie. He tried to chat with me in order to cheer me up but once he found out I was not in the mood to talk, he let me finish my work in silence.

During lunchtime, Clint took me with him for a stroll around the Glade. He didn't say anything, which I was grateful for. We stopped by the pond and skidded pebbles over the surface of the water. I sat down in the long grass and Clint soon joined me. 

"Being a Runner is all I've ever done. It's all I know," I muttered. 

"I know. It's the same for me. I wouldn't know what to do if I wasn't a Med-Jack," Clint spoke. 

We watched the current of the water in silence. A few fish poked their head above the water and a frog hopped from lilypad to lilypad. 

"Do you love him?" 

I smiled softly. "Yes, I can't explain it, it's just-" 

"You don't have to explain it. I get it." He paused to sigh. "I just wished I could ever love someone as he loves you." 

I wrapped my arms around my legs and placed my chin on my knees. 

"You'll find someone, Clint. We are going to get out of here and we're going to find you someone, okay?" I told him. 

A smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Okay." 

I got up and hooked my arm through Clint's, taking him back to the shack where I finished the day by stitching two wounds, wrapping up a twisted wrist and splinting an ankle. 

Newt came by later that afternoon. He watched me work while he sat on a chair a few feet away. I felt his burning gaze on me and whipped around.  

"Can I help you with something?" I snapped, coming off ruder than I intended. I startled him slightly and quickly muttered, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled." I averted my gaze.

"It's fine. I just wanted to see how you are. Everyone's worried about you, Ley," he stated. 

I let out a humourless chuckle. "They should've thought about that before Gally threw me off the Runners." 

"I get that you're angry. You've lost everything, but just remember that you're not alone. I'm here for you if you need me." He had gotten up and placed a hand between my shoulder blades. I turned around. 

"You're not mad anymore?" I asked carefully. 

"Of course I'm still mad, but you're my best friend." He smiled softly. 

"Thank you, Newt." I wrapped my arms around him.

Without A Choice // The Maze Runner [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now