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I sprinted to the med-jacks with everyone else hot on my heels where I found Alby sitting on the edge of his bed. "Hey, Alby." Newt used his soft voice as he sat down next to Alby's still figure. He was staring into the distance and had a hollow look in his eyes. 

I knelt down in front of Alby. "Hey there, Al. We may have found a way out of the Maze. We can get out of here," I whispered. Alby started shaking his head, left to right.

"We can't." He sounded like he was on the verge of crying. "We can't leave. They won't let us."

"What are you talking about?" I asked softly, placing a hand on his knee.

"I remember," was all he said. I turned to Newt and Thomas with a questioning look. They shook their head in response. Newt's eyebrows were etched with confusion.

"What do you remember, Al?" I asked, even though I wasn't sure I even wanted to know. Alby's eyes averted to Thomas.

"You," he stated. "You were always their favourite, Thomas." Tears started to fall from Alby's eyes. "Why did you do this? Why did you come here?"

Thomas stormed out of the room. I followed him with my eyes and got to my feet. "Stay here," I told Newt, who had taken the initiative to chase after Thomas.

I spotted Thomas running into the forest. I picked up the pace and ran after him. Seconds later, I found him sitting on a fallen tree trunk with his head in his hands. Rapid breaths were leaving his mouth and I could swear I heard a few sobs.

I slowly approached him and knelt down in front of him. I placed a comforting hand on his knee and he looked up. His eyes were red and puffy. His face was still dirty from our run earlier but the sweat that was travelling down his temples had created paths.

I placed my hand on the side of his head and he leaned into my touch. "It'll be okay," I said softly.

"Why am I here? What did I do before I got here?" he asked, the lump in his throat clearly audible.

"I don't know, I wish I did. But you know what?" He looked at me in question before I continued. "That doesn't matter. You're here now and you're trying to save us," I spoke softly and soothingly.

He sent me a small smile. "I wish they would just trust me that I'm trying to do everything I can to get them out of here."

"I trust you." I ran my fingers through his hair. His sobs quieted down and his breathing pattern steadied again. "That's better," I said softly and wrapped my arms around him.

"We should get you cleaned up, you reek," I muttered as I accidentally inhaled his sweaty scent. "C'mon." I pulled back from the hug and held out my hand, which he gratefully took. I took him to the showers but let go of his hand as soon as we were in others' view again.

The showers lay behind the main shack. I had insisted on building it here so you had at least a little bit of privacy, mostly because I liked to sing in the shower and didn't want the whole Galde to hear.

The showers we had built had three separate shower cabins. I pushed him into one and waited outside on the little bench. "Leah?" I heard him call a few minutes later.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Will you join me?"

I couldn't help but smile and got up instantly. I pulled my clothes over my head and threw them in a heap before stepping into the shower. The hot steam hit me in the face and relaxed my muscles instantly. Thomas was looking at me with a boyish grin.

I stepped closer to him and the warm water streamed down my body, rinsing me from any sand and dust I had collected throughout my day.

I pressed my body against Thomas's and let him massage my tense shoulders and neck. I turned around and wiped any leftover dirt from his face. Just as he was about to lean in, a voice called, "Leah, are you here?" It was Newt. I quickly clasped a hand over Thomas' mouth.

"Y-yeah, what do you want?" I replied, keeping my voice from trembling too much. If anyone found out, I was screwed.

"Did you find Thomas? You were going after him, right?" Newt asked.

"No, he dashed off, I couldn't find him. I'll look for him later, okay? Can I please finish my shower in peace?" I asked.

"Sure, I'll see you later." Newt's footsteps faded as he walked away from the showers.

I blew out a nervous breath and leaned my head against Thomas's chest. He chuckled. "That was close." 

"Too close, we have to be more careful, Thomas. If anyone finds out about us, we'll be in huge trouble. We could be banished," I muttered. Thomas nodded. He pressed a soft kiss to my hair as I listened to his steady breathing.

"We should get going or they'll start looking for you without me," I grinned, lifting my head from his chest.

"Or we could just stay here forever," he suggested. I laughed in response.

I grabbed a towel and started drying off my body and wrapped my hair in it while I got dressed. Thomas tried to distract me by pressing butterfly kisses to my shoulders. I dried my hair and braided it. I threw the towel in Thomas's direction and sent him a wink before exiting the cabin.

I quickly found Newt and the rest, sitting at the dinner table. Newt had his hands folded in front of his mouth, his thinking face. I sat down next to him.

"What are we going to do with him?" he asked.


"Thomas, of course."

"I say we follow his lead until we find a way out. He's onto something. He figured out more in three weeks than we have in three years, Newt." Newt slowly exhaled and looked to Minho, who was sitting to his right. Minho gave him a short nod.

"Come on, Newt. I know you want to get out of here as much as I do," I pleaded. Heavy footsteps were heard behind us and I turned around to be faced with Gally. His eyebrows were etched.

"Gally, what's going on?" Newt asked.

"I need to talk to Leah," he stated. 

"Okay," I said slowly, getting up from the bench. Just as I was about to walk away, Thomas came jogging toward the group. 

"Sorry about earlier, I needed some air. What's going on?" He said. 

"Thomas, hi. Good to see you're okay," I smiled softly.

"Leah, now please," Gally said impatiently. 

"Okay, okay, relax." I followed him until we reached the pond. Gally sat down in the grass and I took a seat next to him. He grabbed a small stick from the floor and twirled it around in his hands. 

"What's going on with you and Green- Thomas?" he quickly corrected himself. 

"What do you mean? We're just friends," I stated. 

"You're not just friends. I've seen the way you two are around each other, there's something more going on," he immediately said. 

I remained quiet as I thought of the right words. "There is nothing going on with me and Thomas," I repeated calmly. 

Gally slowly nodded. "Okay, I hope it stays that way." 


"Because I don't want you to be banished. You're my friend and I care about you," he said softly.

"Ahw, look at that," I beamed. 

"What?" He looked at me in shock. 

"Big, bad, mean Gally has feelings."  

"I do not!" he protested. 

"Yes, you do! You just said you care about me," I started repeatedly poking his side. 

"Okay, okay, stop it. Yes, I care about you. I don't want you to die," he chuckled, pushing my hands away. 

I hugged his shoulders. "Thanks, Gal. You're the best."

Without A Choice // The Maze Runner [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now