Chapter Twenty One ✓

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SCARLETT STAYED WITH THOMAS ALL NIGHT. She didn't want him to be alone in the Slammer, and after the Griever attack with everyone dying she didn't want to sleep alone either. Apart of her wanted to grab the serum from the Griever herself and stab her. It would be interesting to see what Thomas remembers. She wanted to remember her past life, good or bad. She wanted her memories back. Now.

Scarlett was leaning her back against the wall in the Slammer while Thomas was laying his head on her lap. She woke up and looked down at him, taking a hand and creasing his soft cheek. 

"You're a idiot, do you know that?" She said. She knew that he couldn't hear her, but she had to say it at the least. Flashbacks entered Thomas's mind. He remembered everything.

From the moment he met her, from the moment WCKD took all of the kids and they helped them kill their friends. The moment Thomas knew he fell in love with Scarlett, the girl who was looking after him after he'd been hurt. 

Scarlett planted a kiss on Thomas's forehead and he woke up. His hand reached her wrist and his eyes darted around the room. "Tom," Scarlett whispered, "Are you okay?" Thomas looked up at her. He wanted to kiss her so badly but knew that he couldn't. He didn't want to freak her out right away.

"What's wrong? Do you feel okay?" She asked concerned. "I- I'm fine. Are you okay? What happened? Where's everyone else?" He tried to sit up. "Whoa. Easy, there." Scarlett helped him lean against the Slammer wall beside her and she frowned. 

"Only a few of us are left. The others are gone. Most of them didn't survive the attack of the Grievers. Newt, Minho, Chuck and Teresa are all alright." Scarlett told him, "Are you?" 

She shook her head, tears filling her eyes. "I thought you were going to die out there. After loosing so many p-people... I couldn't bare to loose you, too." Thomas reached for her hands, wanting so badly to place his lips on her own.

"You're not gonna loose me, Scar. Okay?" She furrowed her eyebrows. "Since when do you call me Scar?" 

Thomas looked down. "Um, since now?"

In his memories he called her Scar, a nickname that became his favourite. "What did you remember?" She asked. Thomas let go of her hands. "A lot. I remember you. Us." "Us? What does that mean?" "We were... together. I guess you could put it that way. You and I, we've been through a lot. I remember when they took you away, the night before you went in the Maze." 

Her eyes widened. "We were t-together?" He nodded. "Yeah, we were. I mean- I guess we still are- it's just... complicated." She nodded.

"Yeah, it's all complicated." Thomas turned to look at her. Scarlett felt him staring and turned her head. The two teens sat there staring at each other, neither of them saying anything. Scarlett wanted to feel his lips on hers, it wasn't the time to do that. They needed to focus on getting out of there.

"Even though you don't remember... I want to say that I love you. I always have. It's always been you, and it's always gonna be you. I love you." Scarlett frowned, wanting to remember everything. "I wish I could remember. I... I wish I could remember us but... I love you, too." Thomas was about to lean in until a angry Chuck stood in front of the Slammer door.

"What the hell were you thinking?"

Minho and Newt were also with him, along with Teresa. "Hey. Are you okay?" Teresa asked. "What happened?" Thomas asked his friends. "Gally has taken control. He said we had a choice. Either join him or get banished at sundown with you," Newt said.  Thomas looked at Scarlett and sat up. "The others agreed to that?" "Gally has everyone convinced that you're the reason this has happened," Teresa told him. "Well, he's been right so far," Thomas said, sitting back down.

"What are you talking about?" Minho asked.

"This place. It's not what we thought it was. It's not a prison, it's a test. It all started when we were kids. They'd give us these challenges. They were experimenting us. And then people started disappearing. Every month one after the other like clock worth." "They send them up into the Maze," Newt said. "Yeah, but not all of us."

"What'd you mean?" Newt asked.

"Guys, I'm one of them." The three boys and girl looked at Thomas confusingly. "The people who put you here I worked with them. I- I watched you guys for years. The entire time you've been here... I was on the other side of it." 

Scarlett could feel the tears forming in her eyes. "So were you," Thomas said to her. He looked at Teresa. "And so were you." "What?" Teresa asked, tears threatening to pour from her eyes. 

"Teresa, Scarlett, we did this to them." Scarlett didn't want it to be true. How could she have done this? This makes her a awful person. "No. That can't be- no, that's not true," Scarlett said.

Thomas frowned. "No," Teresa said, shaking her head, not wanting to believe it either. "That can't be true." "It is. I saw it."

"Why would they send us up if we were with them?" Teresa asked. "It doesn't matter," he said. "Newt, Minho, I'm sorry," Scarlett cried.

She wiped a tear away and looked at the ground. "He's right. It doesn't matter. Any of it. Because the people who we were before the Maze doesn't even exist anymore. These creators took care of that. But what does matter is who we are now, and what we do right now. You went into the Maze and found a way out." Newt said. 

"Yeah, but if I hadn't, Alby would still be alive."

"Maybe. I know that if he were here, he would be telling you the exact same thing. Pick your ass up and finish what you started. Because if we do nothing... then that means Alby died for nothing, and I can't have that." "Okay," Thomas said, nodding. "Okay, but we gotta get through Gally first." Scarlett looked up. "I have a plan."

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