#1 Six

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Naruto POV

I opened my eyes just to close them again, after i got blinded by some white light. I slowly opened them again adjusting myself to the blinding light. I looked around and found myself in a white room. I noticed that I was sitting in a black chair and that there was a woman standing in front of me. I looked at the women, she had blonde hair and purple eyes . She wore a white kimono and red sandals. She looked at me, walked over to me and placed a hand over my eyes. " I will wait for you. " , she said in a voice that I will remember forever. I felt her hand disappearing, but I didn't open my eyes yet, because I wanted to relish the feeling of warmth her touch gave me. As I opened my eyes, I saw a forest.

After I looked around I concluded that I had to be in the Forest of Death. At first I wondered how I got there, because I did activate the Jutsu at the top of the Hokage-Monument. But after I realized that I was again six years old and wore the clothes that I used to wear back then, I remembered that I used to hide here if the villagers were searching for me. I was slightly confused as I could remember everything of the time I spent in the other timeline. I tried to form a Rasengan and much to my surprise it worked well for the first few seconds but then it vanished and I fell down to one knee. It seemed that I had all the knowledge for my Jutsu, but my body couldn't handle the strain those Jutsu puts on it. So I made a plan to build a little hideout here and to train while trying to stay as far away as possible from the villagers. But before I would do anything I went to sleep, because after the timetravel and the failed Rasengan I felt, that my body needed to rest.

I woke up and crawled out of the little cave I decided to sleep in. The sun was slowly rising above the horizon while the trees slowly swayed in the soft breeze that was present. I knew that this momentary beauty deceives but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

I was thinking about going to the market to buy a few things, like a blanket, a few kunai and shuriken and stuff to set up my hideout. I knew that I had to go early in the morning as not to run into too many villagers. Trying to stay as hidden as possible, I only went from rooftop to rooftop until I reached the market district. I went in two of the stores, that would even sell me stuff, and got the things I needed. I sighed when I noticed that they had overpriced the goods so much, that I had to give them all of my money. I walked out of the second store and quickly went into a little dark alley as to not draw any attention on me. I looked around in the alley to make sure that I was alone and began to put the things i just bought into storage seals.

As I finished this task I jumped up on the rooftops and turned to run to the Forest of Death. I was halfway there when I saw a group of villagers dragging a young woman into an alleyway. I immediately went after them without thinking about the consequences. The woman looked surprised at me when i punched the man that was carrying her. The man flew into a wall and didn't move. The others turned around and seemed surprised at first but then their surprised looks turned into evil smirks and grins. "Run or cover your eyes, you don't want to see this.", I said to her, while taking out a Kunai. "Demon! Do you want to die?", one of the villagers shouted at me taking a meat cleaver out. The others followed suit and soon I found myself blocking all sorts of weapons from meat cleavers to shuriken. I saw to my relief that the woman I rescued decided to run, before I felt something stab me in the arm. A kunai drilled itself into my right forearm. The villagers, fired up that they finally landed a hit on me, shouted and attacked even more aggressively than before. I tried to block all of the projectiles that were shot at me while dodging the slashes of the various weapons from the villagers. I felt a sword approaching me from behind and couldn't stop my reflexes from kicking in. I avoided the blade of the sword and swung my kunai at the hands of its wielder. My second hand shot forward grabbing the falling sword by its hilt and stabbing the former wielder in the chest with it. As I got my body under control again I looked at the frightened faces of the other villagers, while the sword and my hand slowly got drowned in the blood that was pouring out of my victims wound. The villagers turned around and ran screaming out of the alleyway while I dropped the sword and the kunai and ran as fast as I could into the forest, not caring about the bloodstains on my clothes. I ran to the little cave where I slept earlier this morning and planned on washing my clothes in the nearby stream. But in front of the cave stood an Anbu with white, gravity defying hair. I smiled at him until I realized that he probably was there because he was sent to capture me. I turned to run but ran into another Anbu. This one grabbed me by my collar, nodded at Kakashi, who just stood there and watched and shushined us in front of the council room.

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