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The time with Bree felt so short, it was moving day for her and she was heading back to Spain. This was the single most worse day in my life, I didn't know what to do with myself. We already said our goodbyes the day before, it wasn't much of a goodbye thought. My family was around so I never got to kiss her for the last time, we exchanged hugs but that was basically it. I cried myself to sleep that night. It was horrible. I didn't know when I would speak to her again, she would be on a long flight to her new home and I doubt she would have time for me. We told ourselves this move wouldn't end us, we would be stronger and braver due to the circumstances. It would not define us, and we wouldn't let it drag us apart. Our plan was to hold on as long as we could until I would be able to raise enough money to see her over the summer. We were both excited about that idea and all I had to do when I made the money, was convince my parents to let me go on a trip alone, out of country. When she on that Saturday, I didn't do anything but sit in my room all day. My parents could tell it took a toll on me, so they did bother with the bombardment of questions. I laid in my bed, where she once laid and stared at the ceiling. With my curtains drawn and my lights off it was dark, and the mood was fitting. I didn't know how long I was like that for, and I didn't care.

Everything about Bree flashed through my mind, how she smelt, how beautiful her smile was, her laugh. Everything that I would miss. I felt the wetness running down my face. I guess it was there for some time because my pillow was soaked in it. I had never felt so heartbroken before, not even with Jason. We weren't broken up, but this felt much worse. She told me we could Skype whenever she had a chance, as well as call every night. The time zones were definitely different so keeping in touch with each other was going to be very tricky. Knowing all this didn't help to make the situation any better. I didn't want to move from this spot. I closed my eyes and cried myself to sleep holding the teddy bear that was soaked in her perfume, she gave me just a week before.

It was almost a week before she contacted me and everyday leading up to it was a day filled with nervousness and worry. It was a surprise to me when she called, I was in the middle of a nap when I woke up to the phone ringing. I didn't even get a chance to see the caller ID, with eyes still closed I put the phone to my ear.


"Hi Baby."


"Aless, it's me"


"Yes, Aless. Haha."

"I thought you said you were going to call as soon as you got there?"

"I know, I'm sorry. I wasn't able to get my phone switched over until today. I really wanted to call you. I miss you."

"I miss you too, like a lot. Nothing is the same without you here."

"I know, I don't even like it here. Its so different. My family loves it but I miss where I grew up, ya know?"

"Yea, I get it. So, have you met any new friends yet?"

"Yea, I guess. There are some girls our age that invited me to the mall yesterday. They seem cool."

"That's nice. I'm happy your making friends. Maybe you won't be so sad."

"Yea, I still miss you though. Hey, I have wifi now do you want skype later?"

"Duh, I miss your face. Hahah"

"Haha, I miss your face too." We sat on the phone talking for another hour and got caught up before she had to jet off the phone. I went back to sleep with nothing else to do. It was an amazing hour but now I was left with that hole in my heart again. Nothing that I could do would shake it and I honestly didn't want it to be fixed. It reminded me that I still loved her as much as I did when we first started dating. I knew the distance would pull us apart and this was a reminded that I still had the feelings that would keep us going.

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