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Practice ended a little early, it was Saturday and we had to be there at 7:00. We spent about three hours running drills since we lost our game on Friday. It wasn't a bad lost though, not that we thought it was anyways. I guess coach thought we should have done better. Either way, it was more time with my girlfriend, and I didn't mind. Bree's house was on the way to my house so when we walked home I always dropped her off first then walked the extra bit alone to my house. Today was no different, her parents were home and she invited me over to have lunch with them before heading home. Of course, I accepted, this meant more time with my love, and I also got to spend time with her parents as well.

We got to her house and we could immediately smell burgers on the grill.

"I guess were having burgers? Hahaha" I said to her.

"Yea, my Dad loves to cook, especially on his grill. Hahaha." We walked into the beautiful two-story house and her mother was in the kitchen prepping the topping and side for our meal. The kitchen was so beautiful, I never knew it could have so many colors and work so well. "Hola, Mama!"

"Hola, Mija! I hope you guys are hungry, your father couldn't wait to get out here on his grill." They gave each other a hug, and her mom gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Yes, were definitely hungry, Mama, this is Aless. The friend I keep telling you about." She's been telling her mom about me?

"Hi, Aless, I feel like I already know you." I looked over at Bree with a unsure face

"Hi, Mrs. Perez, it's nice to meet you as well." I put my hand out for a hand shake, but she brushed it off and brought me in for a hug instead.

"Ok, let's go see what your father is doing." We walked out to the marvelous back yard to check the status of lunch. I was so in love with her home. I never wanted to leave, it had everything! There was a pool that seemed like someone had bought one of those big fillable pools from Walmart then build a deck for it. It looked like it was supposed to be there, but you can tell it didn't come with the house. There was a firepit on the opposite side of the yard and a shed that made me believe Bree's dad loved to do work with his hands.

"Hola, mi Familia. Have you come to see a master at work? You know, it takes very special skills to be able to get burgers, just the perfect amount of grill marks and done just enough in the middle... Hello, Aless! Nice to see you can join us for lunch." Her dad was just as silly as my dad, I would imagine they would get alone well.

"Nice to see you again, Mr. Perez! Thank you for having me."

"Alright girls, go upstairs and watch up, lunch is almost ready."

"Ok, Mama... Aless, I'll show you my room." I nodded, and she took my hand and pulled me up the stairs. Her bedroom was the second door on the left, and as soon as we busted through, I knew it was hers. It looked just like she did. Soccer and Softball posters covering her blue wall, and pictures of her family and trophy's everywhere. She closed the door behind us and threw me on her queen-sized bed then jumped on top of me.

"Baby, your parents are just downstairs." I laughed

"I know, are you scared or something?" she said as she planted her lips on mine. I followed her lead and did what we both had wanted to do all day. We rolled around her bed, losing track of time, so engulfed in one another.

"Girls, lunch is ready, get your butts down here." We quickly snapped out of our trance and laughed it off.

"Ok, Mama, we're coming." We quickly went to the bathroom and washed our hands, then raced down the stairs before she would yell for us again.

We got downstairs and saw her parents sitting at the table outside, through the kitchen window. Bree opened the door and usher me through, before she walked out and closed the door behind her. Her parents were sitting near each other at the end of the table, that meant Bree and I could also sit near each other, at the other end of the table. All the food was sitting in the middle of the table, her parents went all out. It wasn't even dinner time, I wondered what their dinners looked like, if this was only lunch. There was corn on the cobb, potato salad, potato chips, cheeseburgers; with all the fixings, and a few Spanish dishes I didn't recognize but I definitely had to try. We sat down, and her father said grace while we bowed our heads and closed our eyes. We opened our eyes ad it was a free for all, I didn't want to seem greedy, so I waited until Bree put something on her plate and I would out the same thing onto mine. Our plates were stacked, and I thought we wouldn't be able to finish it all. I underestimated the toll practice had took on our body just over an hour before.

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