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Just as things were getting more and more confusing with Bree, Zach; who I had been in at least one class with since ninth grade, was flirting with me more and more. Zach was the guy I thought I would be with, we sort of had this unspoken connection about us. Sophomore year, he kissed me out of the blue but, we never spoke about it. Of course, I loved it and I couldn't stop smiling. Ever since then we always flirted with each other but never spoke about dating or anything. Now we spoke on the phone or through messenger ever so often. Along with Bree, and Mandy, we spoke almost every day for a few hours before I had to rush off to bed. I had so many crushes it was almost hard to keep track of them all. I told Bree about it and she seemed supportive of his excessive flirting. Valentine's Day was coming up in a few weeks and I was hoping to have a Valentine this year. Since Jason and I broke up, he wasn't there to be my Valentine, we fell off in a way that I wouldn't have preferred. We never officially said the words that we broke up, but it was clear at this point and we haven't talked in a few months. I don't know where we stand, and I sort of done mind. Was that weird? Should I call him to figure it all out? There was so much going on and I didn't know how to, all I know is despite how stressful It all was. It was an exciting experience. I got home that night and there was so much to tell Bree, I was excited about it all, but it was also weird.

"Hey Sweetie" I sat at my computer doing my homework and I saw the instant message pop up from Bree, it lit my face right up.

"Hey babe! What's up?"

"Oh, ya know, just here... doing my homework, talking to you."

"Was there something wrong with you doing? I feel like you were ad about something." She was right I was a little upset today.

"Uhh, no. I don't think so."

"Are you sure, you can tell me if you were. Was it something I did? Were you mad at me?"

"No no no, I wasn't mad at you...I was just a little jealous I guess."

"Jealous? About what?"

"When we went to the basketball game today, that guy that came and sat next to you that you were talking with. I could tell he really liked you...and it looked like you liked him too. I don't know, it all just felt weird to me and I just wanted to leave but I wanted to be with you."

"Tony? Oh no, I definitely do not like him, and we were just talking. I'm sorry I made you feel that way."

"It's ok, it's not your fault, I was just being weird." I've been jealous around Bree before, but not like today. Just seeing that guy flirt with her right in front of me was more than I could take.

"Well, was there anything else you wanted to tell me about today, feelings..."

"No, not really...actually. Jason finally messaged me. About an hour ago he messaged me on here wanting to talk. I guess he's coming home in a few weeks or something."

"Oh Aless, that's great. You should definitely go see him."

"Lol why? I doubt he's actually coming here to see me, plus we have practice all the time."

"Aless, its only one day, you can miss practice, plus he's your ex."

"Yes, maybe. I'll see, I rather go to practice thought."

"Ok but think about it ok. Don't you still love him?" I thought it was weird that she was pushing me to go see him. This whole relationship with her was weird.

"I don't know, it's all confusing I guess. I thought I loved him, but I haven't really thought about him much, so what does that mean?"

"I'm not sure, I've only been in love once before with, Wesley."

Holding on to you (girlxgirl)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ