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I got a message from Jason while in school, saying he wanted to meet after school, it was the day before Valentine's Day. Did he have a surprise for me? I didn't know what it was going to be, and I didn't know what to expect. I told Bree about it after leaving to our third period classes. She seemed really excited about it and told me that I needed to go, and I would regret it if I didn't. I was a little excited, but I didn't care too much about it. I responded to the message just after our talk and told him that I would be there, it wasn't like it was a big deal or anything. It would just be a quick hi on my walk home from school. I was walking home with Shelly, Amilie, and Bree that day so nothing big would happen. I got to my third period class and we didn't have much to do so the teacher let us use it as a free period. I didn't mind it at all, I loved when we didn't have anything to do. I decided that since Jason was possibly going to give me a surprise, I should get him something as well. I figured it was too late to go out and buy something, so I grabbed a green three feet piece of construction paper from the back of the class and a couple colorful markers. I made him a Valentine's Day card and drew little soccer balls all over it. I thought it was amazing, I even got a little bit of glitter in the design and wrote a cute line about soccer on the inside. I spent the whole period working on it, trying to make it perfect; hopefully to match the surprise he would be giving me. I lugged that thing around with me for the rest of the day. It was way too big to fit inside my locker and I did not want to fold it, then it would just look tacky and seem like no thought was put into it. I worked too hard on it to let it look like a piece of shit project. I did get questioned on it a lot throughout the day, who was it for? What was I doing with it? Just the usual. Shellie and Amilie seemed excited about it when we met afterschool.

At the beginning of the year we were as thick as thieves, not that softball and Bree were consuming most of my time, I didn't see or speak to them much, unless it was first thing in the morning, lunch, and walks home. Even then they were walking home mostly by themselves since I had practices and games after school most days. I know they felt neglected, I could see it in their faces when I would speak about Bree. Not everything I wish I could tell them about her, but just that I would be hanging with her or such and such. They were still my bestes friends, I just needed to talk with them more than I had been. Our walks home was the best time we had together, we made so much jokes and were just goofy individuals that egged on each other. The walk home was usually an hour-long event, that's why we took the bus to school. We could take the bus home as well but, where was the fun in that. We left the school grounds and took the path that would lead us past Jason's house. With the card in hand and my friends teasing me about what I would do when I saw him again, it was going to be an eventful day for sure. Bree was also chiming in on the teasing which I thought was very weird, I would have thought she would be against the whole thing and plead with me not to go through with it, I guess she was ok with it.

The closer we came to arrive there, the more my heart was pounding. I was in love with this guy or cared about him a lot. I didn't know at this point. With Bree, that was love. With Jason, it never seemed to be equal or come close to how I felt. We were about 15 minutes out, so I messaged him to meet me at the end of the block, so we didn't have to deviate from our route home. My heart started to beat faster and faster the more I realized what I was doing.

"Are you going to kiss him?" I heard a voice say behind me

"I don't know, Shelly. You're just going to have to see, aren't you?"

"Yea, Shelly" Amilie said

"I can't wait, you know I love drama. Like, isn't this the first time you're seeing him since you guys broke up?"

"Yea, he's been here for a few weeks, but I just haven't had time to see him. Plus, we were broken up, so it didn't matter"

"Dude, I heard he was talking to some girl from school."

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