"Are you serious?" I wiped back to look at Amilie

"Yea, I heard that from this chick in my math class. I guess she's friends with her or something, I'm not too sure. I honestly don't even know if it's true or not."

"Hmm, well...I guess it doesn't matter. We're not together, right."

"I guess, but why is he trying to see you, knowing he's been talking to some hoe."

"I don't know, Shelly. And honestly, I don't care what he does. We're not together and...yea."

"Ok, Aless" said Shelly

"Well, we have two more blocks and were there" Said Bree.

"Haha, thanks for the reminder, Bree."

"Well...haha" I got a text and I looked down to my phone

"He said he's walking from his house now, we should see him in a few." We got to the edge of the corner where he would be walking up and stood there for a minute until we saw him walking from a distance. My heart was now pounding a million miles a minute. Why was I so nervous, this guy didn't mean as much to me as Bree did, but I was feeling this way, it was weird. I thought all my feelings were gone for him. I guess I didn't know myself as much as I thought I did.

"Hey Aless"

"Hey, Jason" I walked over to him, leaving my friends in a huddle behind me. I gave him a hug and we awkwardly talked for a minute. I presented him with the card I made, and he smiled at how cheesy it was. I smiled too because I just then noticed how right he was, this was a really cheesy gift. I noticed that he didn't have anything on him and didn't hand anything back to me after I gave him the card. What?? I did all that work for nothing, uuhh.

"So, what are you guys doing?"

"You know, just headed home. I didn't have practice today, so you're lucky I came by."

"Yes, I am very lucky." He smiles at my statement. We went back and forth for a bit, catching up just a little then it was time to head back on the journey home. He didn't really want to see me for any particular reason. I guess it was just to do it. I was kind of disappointed but, I got over it pretty quickly.

"Alright, well, it was nice seeing you again. I hope you have fun back at college."

"Thanks, I'll talk to you later then." He grabbed my waste then pulled me in for a kiss, and I let him. It got so intense that he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his broad frame, and my arms around his neck. He picked me up with ease and I was all for it. I could hear as the girls cheered on behind me, and I couldn't help but wonder what this may have been doing to Bree. Our moment of passion was over, he put me down, smiled and headed back home after waving bye to the girls. I turned around to look at them but searched for Bree's face first. She didn't seem happy, but she didn't seem upset either. I couldn't get a read on her and I felt ashamed. Bree's street was just the block up, so we walked there and as the girls moved on I talked with her for a bit.

"See, I knew you were going to kiss him. Even if you said you weren't." with a small smile on her face

"I know"

"You still like him but its ok. Just message me when you get home, ok?"

"Sounds good" I gave her a hug and she went on her way. I ran to catch up with Amilie and Shelly and we walked side by side until Amilie's house came up and she was off, then Shelly's house and finally mine. I lived the furthest away, but Shelly and I lived on the same block, just a stretch apart. I opened the door to my house, with no one home without a surprise, and went to my room to lounge for a while. Bree wouldn't be online for a while because of homework, and her parents would have dinner soon after she was done with homework and wouldn't allow her to eat while at the computer. I usually took a nap after getting home from school, only because there was nothing to do when I got home, and we spent so many hours up talking when we were supposed to be asleep. Today was no different, I fell asleep watching some rerun on T.V as usual and woke up to the sounds my dad coming home. He knew I was most likely asleep, so he would bang on my door as he walked past to his bedroom.

"Hey, Aless. I'm home, you can wake up now."

"Uhhhrrrrhhhhaaa go away!" I grumbled at him to stop all the noise he was causing. I flipped over n my back then turned to look at the time. It was the perfect time to hop on my computer and talk with Bree. I grabbed my phone and headed out of my room. I looked down at my phone and noticed I had a missed call from Jason. He never calls me, oh well. It couldn't have been important. I settled in at the computer then logged into my social media pages to check for any updates, then logged into messenger and waited for Bree to go green. As is she smelt my presence, a bubble popped up with her user name at the top and my face lite up.


"Hey, Babe"

"What have you been doing?"

"I just woke up from a nap, well forcibly anyways."

"Oh, so you weren't talking to your boo?"

"Who's my boo?"


"Why would I be talking to Jason?"

"Well that kiss kinda makes it hard."

"Oh, that. That wasn't anything."

"It wasn't? it didn't look that way from where I was standing. Anyways, that's none of my business if you two are back together."

"What? Why would we be back together?"

"Aless, I saw you two. You guys look like you should be together, I think you should be together, I know you still love him."

"Ok, time out! What is going on here??? Did I miss something?

"What are you talking about?"

"You, like since when is it that your on team Jason all of a sudden? And why on earth would you think that after all he put me through I would want to be with him? And why are you of all people saying this?"

"Well its true, I saw the way you too looked at each other and the way you kissed him."

"Yea, I kissed him back, that was it. That doesn't mean were going to be together. I told you how I felt about him, and I'm guessing you've forgotten how I feel about you."

"No, I didn't forget how you feel about, I'm just saying you too should get back together."

"Are we really going to do this?"

"Do what?"

"This whole back and forth things, like why are we doing this?"

"I don't know Aless, I guess it's hard for me to watch you kiss him like that, and talk about him the way you do, then tell me you love me. Like how am I supposed to feel?"

"I didn't know it was bothering you, you never said anything. This whole time I thought he were trying to push me away, to him"

"No, I was just saying all of that because I thought it was what you wanted, I hated it. I don't want to see you with him."

"Ok, I'm sorry. I just didn't know how you felt because it made it seem like you were ok with it all. I won't talk about him anymore, and I won't see him again. But you have to be open with me. No more hiding behind your feelings. If you don't want me to kiss him, then dammit tell me. We may not be together but that doesn't mean I want to hurt you."

"I just don't want you to stop you from being happy."

"Babe, you make me happy. If you don't want me to just say it. I won't do it and its not a problem. Ok? Just do it for me."

"Ok, I'm sorry. I just didn't want to pull away from me for not wanting you to do something you wanted."

"It's ok, and it's not something I wanted. You already know what I want, and it's not him."

"Ok, I love you."

"I love you too, Sweetheart."

"Anyhoo, what's up? Lol"

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