Welcome to Planet BT21

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"My name is Jackson. My partner Mark will be back with some food for you. You are on our home planet BT21. We are about 5 billion light years away from your home planet Earth."

"Why am I here? What do you want from me?" I asked.

"One of our princes is ready to be married. So for the first time ever our planet is holding an Olympic style games to determine who his wife will be. And so many of us where chosen to travel to different galaxies and find those we think are worthy and can win." He said walking towards me a smug look on his face.

"So I've been abducted to take part in some game to marry a prince that rules you're planet? You've got to be joking." I said in complete disbelief.

"Nope it's not a joke. Mark and myself have to train you before the Games start. We didn't take into consideration that you can't breath our air. But now with that necklace around your neck, you can breath our air since it's converting it into the air you breathe on earth so you don't die. Also if you turn around, I don't think your sky looks like that." Jackson said pointing behind me.

I turned around and my mouth dropped open. The sky was filled with many colors and you could see at least 3 other planets in the distance. You could also see what looked like moons.

Yeah this isn't Earth.

I turned back to face Jackson and he was now a few feet away from me. I crawled across the bed and close to the window not wanting him close to me.

"Alright, I guess I'll believe you. Why have you taken me here? There were plenty of other human girls you could have taken. Why not them?" I asked.

"You are here to play in our Olympic games. If you get in the top 3 spots one of the kings will choose one of the 3 to be his wife. We also had been watching you for a while and knew you would be a great candidate after some training." Jackson said and I just looked at him.

A silence washed over us for about 3 minutes before someone walked through the door. I assumed it was his partner Mark seeing that the guy was carrying a tray full of food. He set the tray down on the table in front of Jackson and turned to me. He introduced himself then asked me if I wanted anything to eat.

I nodded slowly hoping I wouldn't regret my decision. Mark brought the plate to me then walked back to sit with Jackson. They started talking in their native tongue, so I figured I would figure out what was on my plate. It was quite colorful, which reminded my of the lunch meat imitations you would see in cartoons.

Here goes nothing.

I sucked in a deep breath and took a bite of the strange looking whatever they called it. To my surprise it tasted like a hone cooked dinner. What said dinner was supposed to be was beyond me. Once I finished everything on the plate Jackson and Mark walked over and stood in front if the bed.

"It's time to take you to the place you'll be staying until the olympics start. Tomorrow you will begin your training." Mark said as Jackson motioned for me to move closer to the edge of the bed.

"Why can't you guys just take me home?" I asked though my body started moving on it's own.

"Trust us, you are going to enjoy it here once you start exploring. You'll enjoy it so much you might not ever want to go back home." Jackson said now that I was standing up.

Jackson and Mark were extremely tall like skyscrapers. So this is how it feels to be an ant. I followed them out of my holding cell you could call it and out if the strange building. I was in ah at how colorful this planet was. If humans had discovered some colors this planet seemed to have discovered more than that.

The building we had just walked out of was blue and orange neon colored. The ground was all shades of green.

"Stop looking around and come on. It's getting late." Mark shouted dragging me from my thoughts.

I nodded and picked up my speed until I was right behind them both once more. We walked passed a lot of different aliens who had a variety of skin colors. Their hair styles were also interesting as well.

Anyways, once we reached the small studio like building Jackson informed me that this will be my place to stay until the games start. Then I would be held with all of the contestants. Mark showed me to my room saying that the two of them live on the bottom part of the building since they were my trainers.

"This is your room. I advise getting some sleep. This week will be long for you since you have a lot to learn. The suit should help you to get used to out sleep schedule here. Sleep well earthling."

With that Mark left the room and closed the door behind him. I sighed realizing I was probably not going to be able to get home. I got into the bed and once my head hit the pillow the suit seemed to have sent something into my blood stream since I started to feel tired all of a sudden.

I guess this necklace is really useful...

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