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Israr set all the plates on the tables, and a spoon beside each of them, then arranged the glasses near them. Suddenly Ash arrived there, and hit the back of his head, and said,

"The glasses are supposed to be on the left of each plate, idiot!!!"

"Oh please," cried Israr, "well in Cecelia's house all glasses are on right side alright!!"

"Stop making a fool of yourself Israr," she said, "why don't you admit, you don't know how to arrange the dining table elegantly!!"

"I know it, better than you do, at least!!!" he shouted.

"Oh please, a mannerless person like you can never be better than me!!" she screamed.

"Yah like a proudy person like you could do any better, humph" he screamed back, and then their quarrel started again.

Inside the kitchen Cecelia and Joshua suddenly remembered that they had left Israr and Ash together. They rushed towards the dining room, with all haste, caring about nothing else in the whole world. But Alas!! It was too late by then, their quarrel had already begun. Cecelia touched her forehead, and moved her head sideways. And then she slowly slipped away, and Joshua followed her laughing at Israr and Ash.

During the lunch, Cecelia and Ash finished there meal quickly, as they were fast eaters. Joshua and Serenity were seated opposite to each other on the dining table; staring more, eating less. On the other end of the table, Israr ate hastily from three plates together. Taking large bites and chewing the food, with his mouth full. Before he finished swallowing his food, he put more into his mouth. And then again, Ash arrived. She saw him eat hastily and mannerlessly. Producing a weird expression, she shouted,

" Why can't you eat normally, like a gentleman with good manners. Don't you even have basic table manners, huh??"

Israr suddenly stopped eating. He looked at Ash angrily and said,

"I possess the best manners, and I know everything about table manners alright. After all I'm a Prince!!"

"Prince of what, stupidity, and mannerlessness??" she shouted back, and there it was again. There quarrel began. Both of them shouting at eachother. Cecelia watched them and commented,

"Well here we go again!!"

The argument continued for long. Then finally irritated with it, Ash kicked Israr's leg, and walked to the other room, Israr jumping in pain, holding his leg, expressing,

"Ow . . . ow . . . ouch, you shall pay for it, EVEN IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO.. . !!!!"

In a few days Crawford was back on his feet in full health, back with his energy and enthusiasm. They transformed another base they had, as their headquarters. And the organization was turned back into its perfect working condition.

Another day came, everyone thought it would be a regular day, but it wasn't . . .

Crawford called Israr and Joshua to the main base; he ordered them to be at the main base in ten minutes. Israr and Joshua were surprised, they had never heard Crawford so desperate before, so they reached the base as fast as they could, and came to him.

"So chief . . . what was so important . . . what's cooking??" commented Israr, leaning back and forth on the easy chair.

"Israr, this is not the time for your jokes!" said Crawford strictly, and Israr became silent.